15 puzzle solver

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15 puzzle solver
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Your task is to write a program that finds a solution in the fewest moves possible single moves to a random Fifteen Puzzle Game.
For this task you will be using the following puzzle:

15 14  1  6
 9 11  4 12
 0 10  7  3
13  8  5  2


 1  2  3  4
 5  6  7  8
 9 10 11 12
13 14 15  0

The output must show the moves' directions, like so: left, left, left, down, right... and so on.
There are two solutions, of fifty-two moves:
see: Pretty Print of Optimal Solution

Finding either one, or both is an acceptable result.

Those sequences describe the moves of the empty square. If instead naming the move directions of actual squares (using capital letters), the sequences are:

Naming the moves of the empty square encourages thought of a variation: consider repeated moves in the same direction as being one "shove" of a compound move. A run-length encoding of the first solution would be r3uld2lu3ldrurd3rul2ulur3d2ldlu2rd2lulur2uldrdrd which employs thirty-eight shoves. But u2r2d3ru2ld2ru3ld3l2u3r2d2l2dru3rd3l2u2r3dl3dru2r2d2 employs thirty-one shoves, though it expands to uurrdddruulddruuuldddlluuurrddlldruuurdddlluurrrdllldruurrdd which has sixty single-square moves.

Extra credit.

Solve the following problem:

  0 12  9 13
 15 11 10 14
  3  7  2  5
  4  8  6  1

Related Task


Staying Functional (as possible in C++)

The Solver

Translation of: FSharp

<lang cpp> // Solve Random 15 Puzzles : Nigel Galloway - October 11th., 2017 const int Nr[]{3,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3}, Nc[]{3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2}; using N = std::tuple<int,int,unsigned long,std::string,int>; void fN(const N,const int); const N fI(const N n){

 int           g = (11-std::get<1>(n)-std::get<0>(n)*4)*4;
 unsigned long a = std::get<2>(n)&((unsigned long)15<<g);
 return N (std::get<0>(n)+1,std::get<1>(n),std::get<2>(n)-a+(a<<16),std::get<3>(n)+"d",(Nr[a>>g]<=std::get<0>(n))?std::get<4>(n):std::get<4>(n)+1);

} const N fG(const N n){

 int           g = (19-std::get<1>(n)-std::get<0>(n)*4)*4;
 unsigned long a = std::get<2>(n)&((unsigned long)15<<g);
 return N (std::get<0>(n)-1,std::get<1>(n),std::get<2>(n)-a+(a>>16),std::get<3>(n)+"u",(Nr[a>>g]>=std::get<0>(n))?std::get<4>(n):std::get<4>(n)+1);

} const N fE(const N n){

 int           g = (14-std::get<1>(n)-std::get<0>(n)*4)*4;
 unsigned long a = std::get<2>(n)&((unsigned long)15<<g);
 return N (std::get<0>(n),std::get<1>(n)+1,std::get<2>(n)-a+(a<<4),std::get<3>(n)+"r",(Nc[a>>g]<=std::get<1>(n))?std::get<4>(n):std::get<4>(n)+1);

} const N fL(const N n){

 int           g = (16-std::get<1>(n)-std::get<0>(n)*4)*4;
 unsigned long a = std::get<2>(n)&((unsigned long)15<<g);
 return N (std::get<0>(n),std::get<1>(n)-1,std::get<2>(n)-a+(a>>4),std::get<3>(n)+"l",(Nc[a>>g]>=std::get<1>(n))?std::get<4>(n):std::get<4>(n)+1);

} void fZ(const N n, const int g){

 if (std::get<2>(n)==0x123456789abcdef0){
   int g{};for (char a: std::get<3>(n)) ++g;
   std::cout<<"Solution found with "<<g<<" moves: "<<std::get<3>(n)<<std::endl; exit(0);}
 if (std::get<4>(n) <= g) fN(n,g);

} void fN(const N n, const int g){

 const int i{std::get<0>(n)}, e{std::get<1>(n)}, l{std::get<3>(n).back()};
 switch(i){case  0: switch(e){case  0: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fI(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fE(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); return;}
                              case  3: switch(l){case 'r': fZ(fI(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); return;}
                              default: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'r': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;}}
           case  3: switch(e){case  0: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'd': fZ(fE(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}
                              case  3: switch(l){case 'r': fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'd': fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}
                              default: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fG(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'r': fZ(fG(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'd': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;}}
           default: switch(e){case  0: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'd': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}
                              case  3: switch(l){case 'd': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'r': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}
                              default: switch(l){case 'd': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'l': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'r': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}}}

} void Solve(N n){for(int g{};;++g) fN(n,g);} </lang>

The Task

<lang cpp> int main (){

 N start(2,0,0xfe169b4c0a73d852,"",0);

} </lang>

Solution found with 52 moves: rrrulddluuuldrurdddrullulurrrddldluurddlulurruldrdrd

real    0m2.897s
user    0m2.887s
sys     0m0.008s

Time to get Imperative

see for an analysis of 20 randomly generated 15 puzzles solved with this solver.

The Solver

<lang cpp> // Solve Random 15 Puzzles : Nigel Galloway - October 18th., 2017 class fifteenSolver{

 const int Nr[16]{3,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3}, Nc[16]{3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2}, i{1}, g{8}, e{2}, l{4};
 int n{},_n{}, N0[85]{},N3[85]{},N4[85]{};
 unsigned long N2[85]{};
 const bool fY(){
   if (N2[n]==0x123456789abcdef0) return true; 
   if (N4[n]<=_n) return fN();
   return false;
 const bool fZ(const int w){
   if ((w&i)>0){fI(); if (fY()) return true;--n;}
   if ((w&g)>0){fG(); if (fY()) return true;--n;}
   if ((w&e)>0){fE(); if (fY()) return true;--n;}
   if ((w&l)>0){fL(); if (fY()) return true;--n;}
   return false;
 const bool fN(){
   switch(N0[n]){case  0:          switch(N3[n]){case 'l': return fZ(i);
                                                 case 'u': return fZ(e);
                                                 default : return fZ(i+e);}
                 case  3:          switch(N3[n]){case 'r': return fZ(i);
                                                 case 'u': return fZ(l);
                                                 default : return fZ(i+l);}
                 case  1: case  2: switch(N3[n]){case 'l': return fZ(i+l);
                                                 case 'r': return fZ(i+e);
                                                 case 'u': return fZ(e+l);
                                                 default : return fZ(l+e+i);}
                 case 12:          switch(N3[n]){case 'l': return fZ(g);
                                                 case 'd': return fZ(e);
                                                 default : return fZ(e+g);}
                 case 15:          switch(N3[n]){case 'r': return fZ(g);
                                                 case 'd': return fZ(l);
                                                 default : return fZ(g+l);}
                 case 13: case 14: switch(N3[n]){case 'l': return fZ(g+l);
                                                 case 'r': return fZ(e+g);
                                                 case 'd': return fZ(e+l);
                                                 default : return fZ(g+e+l);}
                 case  4: case 8:  switch(N3[n]){case 'l': return fZ(i+g);
                                                 case 'u': return fZ(g+e);
                                                 case 'd': return fZ(i+e);
                                                 default : return fZ(i+g+e);}
                 case  7: case 11: switch(N3[n]){case 'd': return fZ(i+l);
                                                 case 'u': return fZ(g+l);
                                                 case 'r': return fZ(i+g);
                                                 default : return fZ(i+g+l);}
                 default:          switch(N3[n]){case 'd': return fZ(i+e+l);
                                                 case 'l': return fZ(i+g+l);
                                                 case 'r': return fZ(i+g+e);
                                                 case 'u': return fZ(g+e+l);
                                                 default : return fZ(i+g+e+l);}}
 void fI(){
   const int           g = (11-N0[n])*4;
   const unsigned long a = N2[n]&((unsigned long)15<<g);
   N0[n+1]=N0[n]+4; N2[n+1]=N2[n]-a+(a<<16); N3[n+1]='d'; N4[n+1]=N4[n]+(Nr[a>>g]<=N0[n++]/4?0:1);
 void fG(){
   const int           g = (19-N0[n])*4;
   const unsigned long a = N2[n]&((unsigned long)15<<g);
   N0[n+1]=N0[n]-4; N2[n+1]=N2[n]-a+(a>>16); N3[n+1]='u'; N4[n+1]=N4[n]+(Nr[a>>g]>=N0[n++]/4?0:1);
 void fE(){
   const int           g = (14-N0[n])*4;
   const unsigned long a = N2[n]&((unsigned long)15<<g);
   N0[n+1]=N0[n]+1; N2[n+1]=N2[n]-a+(a<<4); N3[n+1]='r'; N4[n+1]=N4[n]+(Nc[a>>g]<=N0[n++]%4?0:1);
 void fL(){
   const int           g = (16-N0[n])*4;
   const unsigned long a = N2[n]&((unsigned long)15<<g);
   N0[n+1]=N0[n]-1; N2[n+1]=N2[n]-a+(a>>4); N3[n+1]='l'; N4[n+1]=N4[n]+(Nc[a>>g]>=N0[n++]%4?0:1);


 fifteenSolver(int n, unsigned long g){N0[0]=n; N2[0]=g; N4[0]=0;}
 void Solve(){
   if (fN()) {std::cout<<"Solution found in "<<n<<" moves: "; for (int g{1};g<=n;++g) std::cout<<(char)N3[g]; std::cout<<std::endl;}
   else {n=0; ++_n; Solve();}

}; </lang>

The Task

<lang cpp> int main (){

 fifteenSolver start(8,0xfe169b4c0a73d852);

} </lang>

Solution found in 52 moves: rrrulddluuuldrurdddrullulurrrddldluurddlulurruldrdrd

real    0m0.795s
user    0m0.794s
sys     0m0.000s

Extra Credit

I have updated the 20 random examples, which showed n the number of moves to include _n. As seen when _n is less than 10 the puzzle is solved quickly. This suggests a multi-threading strategy. I have 8 cores available. Modifying solve so that it starts a thread for _n=0 to _n=9, 1 for _n=10, 1 for _n=11, 1 for _n=12, and 1 for _n=13 tests that the fan is still working and turns the computer into a hair-dryer. It also finds the following solution to the extra credit task:

Solution found in 80 moves: dddrurdruuulllddrulddrrruuullddruulldddrrurulldrruulldlddrurullddrrruullulddrdrr

in 29m19.973s.
It also solves the 5th. example which requires 29.3s single threaded in 7s.


The Plan

The Code

The source code started off as a mainline only, but then as facilities were added and service routines became helpful. This prompted the use of F90's MODULE facility so that the PARAMETER statement could be used to describe the shape of the board with this available to each routine without the need for passing the values as parameters or messing with COMMON storage, or repeating the PARAMETER statement in each routine. Otherwise, literal constants such as 4 would appear in various places. These appearances could now be documented by using the appropriate name such as NR and NC rather than just 4 and similar. However, inside FORMAT statements the use of <NR - 1> (and not <NC - 1>) rather than 3 will succeed only if the compiler accepts this usage, and not all do. More complex calculations involving the board size have not been attempted. The PARAMETER facility is useful only for simple calculations. Considerations such as a 4x4 board having 16 squares is easy, but the consequences of this count fitting into a four-bit binary field are not, thus the equivalences involving BOARD, BORED and <BOAR are not general for different board shapes, nor are the column headings adjustable. Similarly, subroutine UNPACK does not attempt to use a loop but employs explicit code.

This approach is followed in the calculation of the hash code, by writing out the product rather than using the compilers built-in PRODUCT and a startling difference results:

004016E3   mov         esi,1
004016E8   mov         ecx,1
004016ED   cmp         ecx,2
004016F0   jg          MAIN$SLIDESOLVE+490h (0040171e)
004016F2   cmp         ecx,1
004016F5   jl          MAIN$SLIDESOLVE+46Eh (004016fc)
004016F7   cmp         ecx,2
004016FA   jle         MAIN$SLIDESOLVE+477h (00401705)
004016FC   xor         eax,eax
004016FE   mov         dword ptr [ebp-54h],eax
00401701   dec         eax
00401702   bound       eax,qword ptr [ebp-54h]
00401705   imul        edx,ecx,4
00401708   mov         edx,dword ptr H (00473714)[edx]
0040170E   imul        edx,esi
00401711   mov         esi,edx
00401713   mov         eax,ecx
00401715   add         eax,1
0040171A   mov         ecx,eax
0040171C   jmp         MAIN$SLIDESOLVE+45Fh (004016ed)
0040171E   mov         eax,esi
00401720   cmp         eax,0
00401725   jge         MAIN$SLIDESOLVE+49Bh (00401729)
00401727   neg         eax
00401729   mov         edx,10549h
0040172E   mov         dword ptr [ebp-54h],edx
00401731   cdq
00401732   idiv        eax,dword ptr [ebp-54h]
00401735   mov         eax,edx
00401737   mov         dword ptr [H (00473714)],eax
60:         write (6,*) H,bored

Whereas by writing out the product,

59:         H = MOD(ABS(BRD(1)*BRD(2)),APRIME)
004016E3   mov         eax,dword ptr [BRD (00473718)]
004016E9   imul        eax,dword ptr [BRD+4 (0047371c)]
004016F0   cmp         eax,0
004016F5   jge         MAIN$SLIDESOLVE+46Bh (004016f9)
004016F7   neg         eax
004016F9   mov         esi,10549h
004016FE   cdq
004016FF   idiv        eax,esi
00401701   mov         eax,edx
00401703   mov         dword ptr [H (00473714)],eax
60:         write (6,*) H,bored

Granted a flexible pre-processor scheme (as in pl/i, say) one could imagine a menu of tricks being selected from according to the board shape specified, but without such a facility, the constants are merely named rather than literal. <lang Fortran> SUBROUTINE PROUST(T) !Remembrance of time passed.

      DOUBLE PRECISION T	!The time, in seconds. Positive only, please.
      DOUBLE PRECISION S	!A copy I can mess with.
      TYPE TIMEWARP		!Now prepare a whole lot of trickery for expressing the wait time.
       INTEGER LIMIT		!The upper limit for the usage.
       INTEGER STEP		!Conversion to the next unit.
       CHARACTER*4 NAME	!A suitable abbreviated name for the accepted unit.
      END TYPE TIMEWARP	!Enough of this.
      INTEGER CLOCKCRACK	!How many different units might I play with?
      PARAMETER (CLOCKCRACK = 5)	!This should so.
      TYPE(TIMEWARP) TIME(CLOCKCRACK)	!One set, please.
      PARAMETER (TIME = (/		!The mention of times lost has multiple registers.
    1  TIMEWARP(99, 60,"secs"),	!Beware 99.5+ rounding up to 100.
    2  TIMEWARP(99, 60,"mins"),	!Likewise with minutes.
    3  TIMEWARP(66, 24,"hrs!"),	!More than a few days might as well be in days.
    4  TIMEWARP(99,365,"days"),	!Too many days, and we will speak of years.
    5  TIMEWARP(99,100,"yrs!")/))	!And the last gasp converts to centuries.
      INTEGER CC		!A stepper for these selections.
      CHARACTER*4 U		!The selected unit.
      INTEGER MSG		!The mouthpiece.
      COMMON/IODEV/ MSG	!Used in common.
       S = T			!A working copy.
       DO CC = 1,CLOCKCRACK	!Now re-assess DT, with a view to announcing a small number.
         IF (S.LE.TIME(CC).LIMIT) THEN	!Too big a number?
           U = TIME(CC).NAME			!No, this unit will suffice.
           GO TO 10				!Make off to use it.
         END IF			!But if the number is too big,
         S = S/TIME(CC).STEP		!Escalate to the next larger unit.
       END DO 			!And see if that will suffice.
       U = "Cys!!"		!In case there are too many years, this is the last gasp.
  10   WRITE (MSG,11) S,U	!Say it.
  11   FORMAT (F7.1,A4,$)	!But don't finish the line.
      CHARACTER*15 FUNCTION HMS(T)	!Report the time of day.

Careful! Finite precision and binary/decimal/sexagesimal conversion could cause 2:30:00am. to appear as 2:29:60am.

       DOUBLE PRECISION S,T	!Seconds (completed) into the day.
       INTEGER H,M		!More traditional units are to be extracted.
       INTEGER SECONDSINDAY	!A canonical day.
       PARAMETER (SECONDSINDAY = 24*60*60)	!Of nominal seconds.
       CHARACTER*15 TEXT	!A scratchpad.
        H = T			!Truncate into an integer.
        S = T - (H - 1)/SECONDSINDAY*SECONDSINDAY	!Thus allow for midnight = hour 24.
        IF (S.EQ.SECONDSINDAY/2) THEN	!This might happen.
          TEXT = "High Noon!"	!Though the chances are thin.
        ELSE IF (S.EQ.SECONDSINDAY) THEN	!This is synonymous with the start of the next day.
          TEXT = "Midnight!"	!So this presumably won't happen.
        ELSE		!But more likely are miscellaneous values.
          H = S/3600		!Convert seconds into whole hours completed.
          S = S - H*3600	!The remaining time.
          M = S/60		!Seconds into minutes completed.
          S = S - M*60		!Remove them.
          IF (S .GE. 59.9995D0) THEN	!Via format F6.3, will this round up to 60?
            S = 0		!Yes. Curse recurring binary sequences for decimal.
            M = M + 1		!So, up the minute count.
            IF (M.GE.60) THEN	!Is there an overflow here too?
              M = 0		!Yes.
              H = H + 1	!So might appear 24:00:00.000 though it not be Midnight!
            END IF		!So much for twiddling the minutes.
          END IF		!And twiddling the hours.
          IF (H.LT.12) THEN	!A plague on the machine mentality.
            WRITE (TEXT,1) H,M,S,"am."	!Ante-meridian.
   1        FORMAT (I2,":",I2,":",F6.3,A3)	!Thus.
           ELSE		!For the post-meridian, H >= 12.
            IF (H.GT.12) H = H - 12	!Adjust to civil usage. NB! 12 appears.
            WRITE (TEXT,1) H,M,S,"pm."	!Thus. Post-meridian.
          END IF	!So much for those fiddles.
          IF (TEXT(4:4).EQ." ") TEXT(4:4) = "0"	!Now help hint that the
          IF (TEXT(7:7).EQ." ") TEXT(7:7) = "0"	! character string is one entity.
        END IF		!So much for preparation.
        HMS = TEXT	!The result.
      END FUNCTION HMS	!Possible compiler confusion if HMS is invoked in a WRITE statement.
      DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION NOWWAS(WOT)	!Ascertain the local time for interval assessment.

Compute with whole day numbers, to avoid day rollover annoyances. Can't use single precision and expect much discrimination within a day. C I'd prefer a TIMESTAMP(Local) and a TIMESTAMP(GMT) system function. C Quite likely, the system separates its data to deliver the parameters, which I then re-glue.

       INTEGER WOT	!What sort of time do I want?
       REAL*8 TIME	!A real good time.
       INTEGER MARK(8)	!The computer's clock time will appear here, but fragmented.
        IF (WOT.LE.0) THEN	!Just the CPU time for this.
          CALL CPU_TIME(TIME)	!Apparently in seconds since starting.
         ELSE			!But normally, I want a time-of-day now.
          CALL DATE_AND_TIME(VALUES = MARK)	!Unpack info that I will repack.

c WRITE (6,1) MARK c 1 FORMAT ("The computer clock system reports:", c 1 /"Year",I5,", Month",I3,", Day",I3, c 2 /" Minutes from GMT",I5, c 3 /" Hour",I3,", Minute",I3,",Seconds",I3,".",I3)

          TIME = (MARK(5)*60 + MARK(6))*60 + MARK(7) + MARK(8)/1000D0	!By the millisecond, to seconds.
          IF (WOT.GT.1) TIME = TIME - MARK(4)*60	!Shift back to GMT, which may cross a day boundary.

c TIME = DAYNUM(MARK(1),MARK(2),MARK(3)) + TIME/SECONDSINDAY !The fraction of a day is always less than 1 as MARK(5) is declared < 24.

          TIME = MARK(3)*24*60*60 + TIME	!Not bothering with DAYNUM, and converting to use seconds rather than days as the unit.
        END IF			!A simple number, but, multiple trickeries. The GMT shift includes daylight saving's shift...
        NOWWAS = TIME		!Thus is the finger of time found.
      END FUNCTION NOWWAS	!But the Hand of Time has already moved on.
     MODULE SLIDESOLVE		!Collect the details for messing with the game board.
      INTEGER NR,NC,N				!Give names to some sizes.
      PARAMETER (NR = 4, NC = 4, N = NR*NC)	!The shape of the board.
      INTEGER*1 BOARD(N),TARGET(N),ZERO(N)	!Some scratchpads.
      INTEGER BORED(4)				!A re-interpretation of the storage containing the BOARD.
      CHARACTER*(N) BOAR			!Another, since the INDEX function only accepts these.
      EQUIVALENCE (BORED,BOARD,BOAR)		!All together now!
      CHARACTER*1 DIGIT(0:35)			!This will help to translate numbers to characters.
      PARAMETER (DIGIT = (/"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9",
    1  "A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J",	!I don't anticipate going beyond 15.
    2  "K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T",	!But, for completeness...
    3  "U","V","W","X","Y","Z"/))			!Add a few more.
      SUBROUTINE SHOW(NR,NC,BOARD)	!The layout won't work for NC > 99...
       INTEGER NR,NC		!Number of rows and columns.
       INTEGER*1 BOARD(NC,NR)	!The board is stored transposed, in Furrytran!
       INTEGER R,C		!Steppers.
       INTEGER MSG		!Keep the compiler quiet.
       COMMON/IODEV/ MSG	!I talk to the trees...
        WRITE (MSG,1) (C,C = 1,NC)	!Prepare a heading.
   1    FORMAT ("Row|",9("__",I1,:),90("_",I2,:))	!This should suffice.
        DO R = 1,NR		!Chug down the rows, for each showing a succession of columns.
          WRITE (MSG,2) R,BOARD(1:NC,R)	!Thus, successive elements of storage. Storage style is BOARD(column,row).
   2      FORMAT (I3,"|",99I3)		!Could use parameters, but enough.
        END DO			!Show columns across and rows down, despite the storage order.
      END SUBROUTINE SHOW	!Remember to transpose the array an odd number of times.
      SUBROUTINE UNCRAM(IT,BOARD)	!Recover the board layout..
       INTEGER IT(2)		!Two 32-bit integers hold 16 four-bit fields in a peculiar order.
       INTEGER*1 BOARD(*)	!This is just a simple, orderly sequence of integers.
       INTEGER I,HIT		!Assistants.
        DO I = 0,8,8		!Unpack into the work BOARD.
          HIT = IT(I/8 + 1)		!Grab eight positions, in four bits each..
                               BOARD(I + 5) = IAND(HIT,15)	!The first is position 5.
          HIT = ISHFT(HIT,-4); BOARD(I + 1) = IAND(HIT,15)	!Hex 48372615
          HIT = ISHFT(HIT,-4); BOARD(I + 6) = IAND(HIT,15)	!and C0BFAE9D
          HIT = ISHFT(HIT,-4); BOARD(I + 2) = IAND(HIT,15)	!For BOARD(1) = 1, BOARD(2) = 2,...
          HIT = ISHFT(HIT,-4); BOARD(I + 7) = IAND(HIT,15)	!This computer is (sigh) little-endian.
          HIT = ISHFT(HIT,-4); BOARD(I + 3) = IAND(HIT,15)	!Rather than mess with more loops,
          HIT = ISHFT(HIT,-4); BOARD(I + 8) = IAND(HIT,15)	!Explicit code is less of a brain strain.
          HIT = ISHFT(HIT,-4); BOARD(I + 4) = IAND(HIT,15)	!And it should run swiftly, too...
        END DO				!Only two of them.
      END SUBROUTINE UNCRAM	!A different-sized board would be a problem too.
      INTEGER*8 FUNCTION ZDIST(BOARD)	!Encode the board's positions against the ZERO sequence.
       INTEGER*1 BOARD(N)	!The values of the squares.
       LOGICAL*1 AVAIL(N)	!The numbers will be used one-by-one to produce ZC.
       INTEGER BASE		!This is not a constant, such as ten.
       INTEGER M,IT		!Assistants.
        AVAIL = .TRUE.			!All numbers are available.
        BASE = N			!The first square has all choices.
        ZDIST = 0			!Start the encodement of choices.
        DO M = 1,N			!Step through the board's squares.
          IT = BOARD(M)			!Grab the square's number. It is the index into ZERO.
          IF (IT.EQ.0) IT = N			!But in ZERO, the zero is at the end, damnit.
          AVAIL(IT) = .FALSE.			!This number is now used.
          ZDIST = ZDIST*BASE + COUNT(AVAIL(1:IT - 1))	!The number of available values to skip to reach it.
          BASE = BASE - 1			!Option count for the next time around.
        END DO				!On to the next square.
      SUBROUTINE REPORT(R,WHICH,MOVE,BRD)	!Since this is invoked in two places.
       INTEGER R		!The record number of the position.
       CHARACTER*(*) WHICH	!In which stash.
       CHARACTER*1 MOVE	!The move code.
       INTEGER BRD(2)		!The crammed board position.
       INTEGER*1 BOARD(N)	!Uncrammed for nicer presentation.
       INTEGER*8 ZC		!Encodes the position in a mixed base.
       INTEGER ZM,ZS		!Alternate forms of distance.
       DOUBLE PRECISION ZE	!This is Euclidean.
       INTEGER MSG		!Being polite about usage,
       COMMON/IODEV/MSG	!Rather than mysterious constants.
        CALL UNCRAM(BRD,BOARD)		!Isolate the details.
        ZM = MAXVAL(ABS(BOARD - ZERO))			!A norm. |(x,y)| = r gives a square shape.
        ZS = SUM(ABS(BOARD - ZERO))			!A norm. |(x,y)| = r gives a diamond shape.
        ZE = SQRT(DFLOAT(SUM((BOARD - ZERO)**2)))	!A norm. |(x,y)| = r gives a circle.
        ZC = ZDIST(BOARD)				!Encodement against ZERO.
        WRITE (MSG,1) R,WHICH,MOVE,DIGIT(BOARD),ZM,ZS,ZE,ZC	!After all that,
   1    FORMAT (I11,A6,A5,1X,"|",<NR - 1>(<NC>A1,"/"),<NC>A1,"|",	!Show the move and the board
    1    2I8,F12.3,I18)					!Plus four assorted distances.
      END SUBROUTINE REPORT	!Just one line is produced.
      SUBROUTINE PURPLE HAZE(BNAME)	!Spreads a red and a blue tide.
       CHARACTER*(*) BNAME		!Base name for the work files.
       CHARACTER*(N) BRAND		!Name part based on the board sequence.
       CHARACTER*(LEN(BNAME) + 1 + N + 4) FNAME	!The full name.

Collect the details for messing with the game board.

       CHARACTER*4 TIDE(2)			!Two tides will spread forth.
       PARAMETER (TIDE = (/" Red","Blue"/))	!With these names.
       INTEGER LZ,LOCZ(2),LOCI(2),ZR,ZC	!Location via row and column.
       EQUIVALENCE(LOCZ(1),ZR),(LOCZ(2),ZC)	!Sometimes separate, sometimes together.
       INTEGER WAY(4),HENCE,W,M,D,WAYS(2,4)	!Direction codes.
       PARAMETER (WAY = (/   +1,  -NC,   -1,  +NC/))	!Directions for the zero square, in one dimension.
       PARAMETER (WAYS = (/0,+1, -1,0, 0,-1, +1,0/))	!The same, but in (row,column) style.
       CHARACTER*1 WNAMEZ(0:4),WNAMEF(0:4)	!Names for the directions.
       PARAMETER (WNAMEZ = (/" ","R","U","L","D"/))	!The zero square's WAYS.
       PARAMETER (WNAMEF = (/" ","L","D","R","U"/))	!The moved square's ways are opposite.

Create two hashed stashes. A stash file and its index file, twice over.

       INTEGER APRIME				!Determines the size of the index.
       PARAMETER (APRIME = 199 999 991)	!Prime 11078917. Prime 6666666 = 116 743 349. Perhaps 1999999973?
       INTEGER HCOUNT(2),NINDEX(2)		!Counts the entries in the stashes and their indices.
       INTEGER P,HIT				!Fingers to entries in the stash.
       INTEGER SLOSH,HNEXT			!Advances from one surge to the next.
       INTEGER IST(2),LST(2),SURGE(2)		!Define the perimeter of a surge.
       INTEGER HEAD,LOOK			!For chasing along a linked-list of records.
       TYPE AREC				!Stores the board position, and helpful stuff.
        INTEGER NEXT					!Links to the next entry that has the same hash value.
        INTEGER PREV					!The entry from which this position was reached.
        INTEGER MOVE					!By moving the zero in this WAY.
        INTEGER BRD(2)					!Squeezed representation of the board position.
       END TYPE AREC				!Greater compaction (especially of MOVE) would require extra crunching.
       INTEGER LREC				!Record length, in INTEGER-size units. I do some counting.
       PARAMETER (LREC = 5)			!For the OPEN statement.
       TYPE(AREC) ASTASH,APROBE		!I need two scratchpads.
       INTEGER NCHECK				!Number of new positions considered.
       INTEGER NLOOK(2),PROBES(2),NP(2),MAXP(2)!Statistics for the primary and secondary searches resulting.
       LOGICAL SURGED(2)			!A SLOSH might not result in a SURGE.

Catch the red/blue meetings, if any.

       INTEGER MANY,LONG			!They may be many, and, long.
       PARAMETER (MANY = 666,LONG = 66)	!This should do.
       INTEGER NMET,MET(2,MANY)		!Identify the meeting positions, in their own stash.
       INTEGER NTRAIL,TRAIL(LONG)		!Needed to follow the moves.
       INTEGER NS,LS(MANY)			!Count the shove sequences.
       CHARACTER*128 SHOVE(MANY)		!Record them.

Conglomeration of support stuff.

       LOGICAL EXIST				!For testing the presence of a disc file.
       INTEGER I,IT				!Assistants.
       DOUBLE PRECISION T1,T2,E1,E2,NOWWAS	!Time details.
       CHARACTER*15 HMS			!A clock.
       INTEGER MSG,KBD,WRK(2),NDX(2)	!I/O unit numbers.
       COMMON/IODEV/ MSG,KBD,WRK,NDX	!I talk to the trees...
        NS = 0	!No shove sequences have been found.

Concoct some disc files for storage areas, reserving the first record of each as a header.

  10    BOARD = ZERO	!The red tide spreads from "zero".
        DO W = 1,2	!Two work files are required.
          WRITE(MSG,11) TIDE(W)	!Which one this time?
  11      FORMAT (/,"Tide ",A)		!Might as well supply a name.
          DO I = 1,N		!Produce a text sequence for the board layout.
            BRAND(I:I) = DIGIT(BOARD(I))	!One by one...
          FNAME = BNAME//"."//BRAND//".dat"	!It contains binary stuff, so what else but data?
          INQUIRE (FILE = FNAME, EXIST = EXIST)	!Perhaps it is lying about.
  20      IF (EXIST) THEN				!Well?
            WRITE (MSG,*) "Restarting from file ",FNAME	!One hopes its content is good.
            OPEN (WRK(W),FILE = FNAME,STATUS = "OLD",ACCESS = "DIRECT",	!Random access is intended.
    1        FORM = "UNFORMATTED",BUFFERED = "YES",RECL = LREC)		!Using record numbers as the key.
            FNAME = BNAME//"."//BRAND//".ndx"		!Now go for the accomplice.
            INQUIRE (FILE = FNAME, EXIST = EXIST)	!That contains the index.
            IF (.NOT.EXIST) THEN			!Well?
              WRITE (MSG,*) " ... except, no file ",FNAME	!Oh dear.
              CLOSE(WRK(W))				!So, no index for the work file. Abandon it.
              GO TO 20					!And thus jump into the ELSE clause below.
            END IF				!Seeing as an explicit GO TO would be regarded as improper...
            READ (WRK(W),REC = 1) HCOUNT(W),SURGE(W),IST(W),LST(W)!Get the header information.
            WRITE (MSG,22) HCOUNT(W),SURGE(W),IST(W),LST(W)	!Reveal.
  22        FORMAT (" Stashed ",I0,". At surge ",I0,		!Perhaps it will be corrupt.
    1        " with the boundary stashed in elements ",I0," to ",I0)	!If so, this might help the reader.
            OPEN (NDX(W),FILE = FNAME,STATUS = "OLD",ACCESS="DIRECT",	!Now for the accomplice.
    1        FORM = "UNFORMATTED",BUFFERED = "YES",RECL = 1)		!One INTEGER per record.
            READ(NDX(W), REC = 1) NINDEX(W)			!This count is maintained, to avoid a mass scan.
            WRITE (MSG,23) NINDEX(W),APRIME			!Exhibit the count.
  23        FORMAT (" Its index uses ",I0," of ",I0," entries.")	!Simple enough.
           ELSE			!But, if there is no stash, create a new one.
            WRITE (MSG,*) "Preparing a stash in file ",FNAME	!Start from scratch.
            OPEN (WRK(W),FILE = FNAME,STATUS="REPLACE",ACCESS="DIRECT",	!I intend non-sequential access...
    1        FORM = "UNFORMATTED",BUFFERED = "YES",RECL = LREC)		!And, not text.
            HCOUNT(W) = 1		!Just one position is known, the final position.
            SURGE(W) = 0		!It has not been clambered away from.
            IST(W) = 1			!The first to inspect at the current level.
            LST(W) = 1			!The last.
            WRITE (WRK(W),REC = 1) HCOUNT(W),SURGE(W),IST(W),LST(W),0	!The header.
            FNAME = BNAME//"."//BRAND//".ndx"	!Now for the associated index file..
            WRITE (MSG,*) "... with an index in file ",FNAME	!Announce before attempting access.
            OPEN (NDX(W),FILE = FNAME,STATUS = "REPLACE",ACCESS=	!Lest there be a mishap.
    1        "DIRECT",FORM = "UNFORMATTED",BUFFERED = "YES",RECL = 1)	!Yep. Just one value per record.
            WRITE (MSG,*) APRIME," zero values for an empty index."	!This may cause a pause.
            NINDEX(W) = 1				!The index will start off holding one used entry.
            WRITE (NDX(W),REC = 1) NINDEX(W)	!Save this count in the header record.
            WRITE (NDX(W),REC = 1 + APRIME) 0	!Zero values will also appear in the gap!
            ASTASH.NEXT = 0		!The first index emtry can never collide with another in an empty index.
            ASTASH.PREV = 0		!And it is created sufficient unto itself.
            ASTASH.MOVE = 0		!Thus, it is not a descendant, but immaculate.
            ASTASH.BRD(1) = BORED(1)*16 + BORED(2)	!Only four bits of the eight supplied are used.
            ASTASH.BRD(2) = BORED(3)*16 + BORED(4)	!So interleave them, pairwise.
            SLOSH = ASTASH.BRD(1)*ASTASH.BRD(2)	!Mash the bits together.
            HIT = ABS(MOD(SLOSH,APRIME)) + 2		!Make a hash. Add one since MOD starts with zero.
            WRITE (NDX(W),REC = HIT) HCOUNT(W)		!Adding another one to dodge the header as well.
            WRITE (MSG,24) BOARD,BORED,ASTASH.BRD,	!Reveal the stages.
    1        SLOSH,SLOSH,SLOSH,APRIME,HIT				!Of the mostly in-place reinterpretations.
  24        FORMAT (<N>Z2," is the board layout in INTEGER*1",/,	!Across the columns and down the rows.
    1        4Z8," is the board layout in INTEGER*4",/,		!Reinterpret as four integers.
    2        2(8X,Z8)," ..interleaved into two INTEGER*4",/,		!Action: Interleaved into two.
    3        Z32," multiplied together in INTEGER*4",/,		!Action: Their product.
    4        I32," as a decimal integer.",/,				!Abandoning hexadecimal.
    5        "ABS(MOD(",I0,",",I0,")) + 2 = ",I0,			!The final step.
    6        " is the record number for the first index entry.")	!The result.
            WRITE (WRK(W),REC = HCOUNT(W) + 1) ASTASH	!Record one is reserved as a header...
          END IF				!Either way, a workfile should be ready now.
          IF (W.EQ.1) BOARD = TARGET	!Thus go for the other work file.
        END DO		!Only two iterations, but a lot of blather.
        SLOSH = MINVAL(SURGE,DIM = 1)	!Find the laggard.

Cast forth a heading for the progress table to follow..

        WRITE (MSG,99)
  99    FORMAT (/,7X,"|",3X,"Tidewrack Boundary Positions  |",
    1    6X,"Positions",5X,"|",7X,"Primary Probes",9X,"Index Use",
    2    4X,"|",5X,"Secondary Probes",3X,"|"," Memory of Time Passed",/,
    3    "Surge",2X,"|",6X,"First",7X,"Last",6X,"Count|",
    4    4X,"Checked Deja vu%|",7X,"Made Max.L  Avg.L|   Used%",
    5    5X,"Load%|",7X,"Made Max.L  Avg.L|",6X,"CPU",8X,"Clock")

Chase along the boundaries of the red and the blue tides, each taking turns as primary and secondary interests.

 100    SLOSH = SLOSH + 1	!Another advance begins.
     WW:DO W = 1,2	!The advance is made in two waves, each with its own statistics.
          M = 3 - W		!Finger the other one.
          NMET = 0		!No meetings have happened yet.
          IF (SURGE(W).GE.SLOSH) CYCLE WW	!Prefer to proceed with matched surges.
          WRITE (MSG,101) SLOSH,TIDE(W),IST(W),LST(W),LST(W)-IST(W)+1	!The boundary to be searched.
 101      FORMAT (I2,1X,A4,"|",3I11,"|",$)				!This line will be continued.
          NCHECK = 0		!No new positions have been prepared.
          NLOOK = 0		!So the stashes have not been searched for any of them.
          PROBES = 0		!And no probes have been made in any such searches.
          MAXP = 0		!So the maximum length of all probe chains is zero so far.
          HNEXT = LST(W) + 1	!This will be where the first new position will be stashed.
          T1 = NOWWAS(0)	!Note the accumulated CPU time at the start of the boundary ride..
          E1 = NOWWAS(2)	!Time of day, in seconds. GMT style (thus not shifted by daylight saving)
       PP:DO P = IST(W),LST(W)	!These are on the edge of the tide. Spreading proceeds.
            READ (WRK(W),REC = P + 1) ASTASH	!Obtain a position, remembering to dodge the header record.
            HENCE = ASTASH.MOVE		!The move (from ASTASH.PREV) that reached this position.
            IF (HENCE.NE.0) HENCE = MOD(HENCE + 1,4) + 1	!The reverse of that direction. Only once zero. Sigh.
            CALL UNCRAM(ASTASH.BRD,BOARD)	!Unpack into the work BOARD.
            LZ = INDEX(BOAR,CHAR(0))	!Find the BOARD square with zero.
            ZR =    (LZ - 1)/NC + 1	!Convert to row and column in LOCZ to facilitate bound checking.
            ZC = MOD(LZ - 1,NC) + 1	!Two divisions, sigh. Add a special /\ syntax? (ZR,ZC) = (LZ - 1)/\NC + 1

Consider all possible moves from position P, If a new position is unknown, add it to the stash.

         DD:DO D = 1,4			!Step through the possible directions in which the zero square might move.
              IF (D.EQ.HENCE) CYCLE DD		!Don't try going back whence this came.
              LOCI = LOCZ + WAYS(1:2,D)	!Finger the destination of the zero square, (row,column) style.
              IF (ANY(LOCI.LE.0)) CYCLE DD	!No wrapping left/right or top/bottom.
              IF (ANY(LOCI.GT.(/NR,NC/))) CYCLE DD	!No .OR. to avoid the possibility of non-shortcut full evaluation.
              NCHECK = NCHECK + 1		!So, here is another position to inspect.
              NP = 0				!No probes of stashes W or M for it have been made.
              IT = WAY(D) + LZ			!Finger the square that is to move to the adjacent zero.
              BOARD(LZ) = BOARD(IT)		!Move that square's content to the square holding the zero.
              BOARD(IT) = 0			!It having departed.
              ASTASH.BRD(1) = BORED(1)*16 + BORED(2)	!Pack the position list
              ASTASH.BRD(2) = BORED(3)*16 + BORED(4)	!Without fussing over adjacency,
              HIT = ABS(MOD(ASTASH.BRD(1)*ASTASH.BRD(2),APRIME)) + 2	!Crunch the hash index.
              READ (NDX(W),REC = HIT) HEAD	!Refer to the index, which fingers the first place to look.
              LOOK = HEAD			!This may be the start of a linked-list.
              IF (LOOK.EQ.0) NINDEX(W) = NINDEX(W) + 1	!Or, a new index entry will be made.
              IF (LOOK.NE.0) NLOOK(1) = NLOOK(1) + 1	!Otherwise, we're looking at a linked-list, hopefully short.
              DO WHILE (LOOK.NE.0)		!Is there a stash entry to look at?
                NP(1) = NP(1) + 1			!Yes. Count a probe of the W stash.
                READ (WRK(W),REC = LOOK + 1) APROBE	!Do it. (Dodging the header record)
                IF (ALL(ASTASH.BRD.EQ.APROBE.BRD)) GO TO 109	!Already seen? Ignore all such as previously dealt with.
                LOOK = APROBE.NEXT			!Perhaps there follows another entry having the same index.
              END DO				!And eventually, if there was no matching entry,
              HCOUNT(W) = HCOUNT(W) + 1	!A new entry is to be added to stash W, linked from its index.
              IF (HCOUNT(W).LE.0) STOP "HCOUNT overflows!"	!Presuming the usual two's complement style.
              WRITE (NDX(W),REC = HIT) HCOUNT(W)	!The index now fingers the new entry in ASTASH.
              ASTASH.NEXT = HEAD			!Its follower is whatever the index had fingered before.
              ASTASH.PREV = P			!This is the position that led to it.
              ASTASH.MOVE = D			!Via this move.
              WRITE (WRK(W),REC = HCOUNT(W) + 1) ASTASH	!Place the new entry, dodging the header.

Check the other stash for this new position. Perhaps there, a meeting will be found!

              READ (NDX(M),REC = HIT) LOOK	!The other stash uses the same hash function but has its own index.
              IF (LOOK.NE.0) NLOOK(2) = NLOOK(2) + 1	!Perhaps stash M has something to look at.
              DO WHILE(LOOK.NE.0)		!Somewhere along a linked-list.
                NP(2) = NP(2) + 1			!A thorough look may involve multiple probes.
                READ(WRK(M),REC = LOOK + 1) APROBE	!Make one.
                IF (ALL(ASTASH.BRD.EQ.APROBE.BRD)) THEN!A match?
                  IF (NMET.LT.MANY) THEN			!Yes! Hopefully, not too many already.
                    NMET = NMET + 1					!Count another.
                    MET(W,NMET) = HCOUNT(W)				!Save a finger to the new entry.
                    MET(M,NMET) = LOOK					!And to its matching counterparty.
                   ELSE						!But if too numerous for my list,
                    WRITE (MSG,108) TIDE(W),HCOUNT(W),TIDE(M),LOOK	!Announce each.
 108                FORMAT ("Can't save ",A,1X,I0," matching ",A,1X,I0)!Also wrecking my tabular layout.
                  END IF						!So much for recording a match.
                  GO TO 109					!Look no further for the new position; it is found..
                END IF					!So much for a possible match.
                LOOK = APROBE.NEXT			!Chase along the linked-list.
              END DO				!Thus checking all those hashing to the same index.

Completed the probe.

 109          MAXP = MAX(MAXP,NP)		!Track the maximum number of probes in any search..
              PROBES = PROBES + NP		!As well as their count.
              BOARD(IT) = BOARD(LZ)		!Finally, undo the move.
              BOARD(LZ) = 0			!To be ready for the next direction.
            END DO DD			!Consider another direction.
          END DO PP		!Advance P to the next spreading possibility.

Completed one perimeter sequence. Cast forth some statistics.

 110      T2 = NOWWAS(0)	!A boundary patrol has been completed.
          E2 = NOWWAS(2)	!And time has passed.
          HIT = HCOUNT(W) - HNEXT + 1	!The number of new positions to work from in the next layer.
          WRITE (MSG,111) NCHECK,100.0*(NCHECK - HIT)/NCHECK,	!Tested, and %already seen
    1      NLOOK(1),MAXP(1),FLOAT(PROBES(1))/MAX(NLOOK(1),1),	!Search statistics.
    2      100.0*NINDEX(W)/APRIME,100.0*HCOUNT(W)/APRIME,	!Index occupancy: used entries, and load.
    3      NLOOK(2),MAXP(2),FLOAT(PROBES(2))/MAX(NLOOK(2),1)	!Other stash's search statistics.
 111      FORMAT (I11,F9.2,"|",I11,I6,F7.3,"|",F8.3,F10.3,"|",	!Attempt to produce regular columns.
    1      I11,I6,F7.3,"|"$)					!To be continued...
          T1 = T2 - T1			!Thus, how much CPU time was used perusing the perimeter.
          E1 = E2 - E1			!Over the elapsed time.
          CALL PROUST(T1)		!Muse over the elapsed CPU time, in seconds.
          CALL PROUST(E1)		!And likewise the elapsed clock time.
          E2 = NOWWAS(1)		!Civil clock, possibly adjusted for daylight saving.
          IF (E1.LE.0) THEN		!The offered timing may be too coarse.
            WRITE (MSG,112) HMS(E2)		!So, just finish the line.
 112        FORMAT (8X,A)			!With a time of day.
           ELSE			!But if some (positive) clock time was measured as elapsing,
            WRITE (MSG,113) T1/E1*100,HMS(E2)	!Offer a ratio as well.
 113        FORMAT (F6.2,"%",1X,A)		!Percentages are usual.
          END IF			!Enough annotation.

Could there be new positions to check? HCOUNT will have been increased if so.

          SURGED(W) = HCOUNT(W).GE.HNEXT	!The boundary has been extended to new positions.
          IF (SURGED(W)) THEN		!But, are there any new positions?
            IST(W) = HNEXT			!Yes. The first new position would have been placed here.
            LST(W) = HCOUNT(W)			!This is where the last position was placed.
            SURGE(W) = SLOSH			!The new surge is ready.
            WRITE (WRK(W),REC = 1) HCOUNT(W),SURGE(W),IST(W),LST(W)	!Update the headers correspondingly..
            WRITE (NDX(W), REC = 1) NINDEX(W)	!Otherwise, a rescan would be needed on a restart.
          ELSE IF (SURGE(W) + 1 .EQ. SLOSH) THEN	!No new positions. First encounter?
            LOOK = LST(W) - IST(W) + 1		!Yes. How many dead ends are there?
            WRITE (MSG,114) LOOK		!Announce.
 114        FORMAT (/,"The boundary has not surged to new positions!",/
    1       "The now-static boundary has ",I0)
            LOOK = LOOK/666 + 1		!If there are many, don't pour forth every one.
            IF (LOOK.GT.1) WRITE (MSG,115) LOOK!Some restraint.
 115        FORMAT (6X,"... Listing step: ",I0)!Rather than rolling forth a horde.
            WRITE (MSG,121)			!Re-use the heading for the REPORT.
            DO P = IST(W),LST(W),LOOK		!Step through the dead ends, possibly sampling every one.
              READ (WRK(W),REC = P + 1) ASTASH		!Grab a position.
            END DO				!On to the next dead end.
          END IF			!Perhaps the universe has been filled.

Could the clouds have touched? If so, two trails have met.

 120   ML:DO P = 1,NMET		!Step through the meeting list.
            IF (NS.LT.MANY) NS = NS + 1!Note another shove sequence.
            LS(NS) = 0			!Details to be determined.
            WRITE (MSG,121)		!Announce, via a heading.
 121         FORMAT (/,5X,"Record Stash Move |Board layout by row|",	!Various details
    1         2X,"Max|d|  Sum|d|   Euclidean   Encoded vs Zero")	!Will be attached.
            NTRAIL = 1			!Every trail starts with its first step.
            TRAIL(1) = MET(2,P)	!This is the blue trail's position that met the red tide..
 122        READ(WRK(2),REC = TRAIL(NTRAIL) + 1) ASTASH	!Obtain details
            IF (ASTASH.PREV.NE.0) THEN	!Had this step arrived from somewhere?
              IF (NTRAIL.GE.LONG) STOP "The trail is too long!"	!Yes.
              NTRAIL = NTRAIL + 1		!Count another step.
              TRAIL(NTRAIL) = ASTASH.PREV	!Finger the preceding step.
              GO TO 122			!And investigate it in turn.
            END IF			!Thus follow the blue trail back to its origin.
 130        DO LOOK = NTRAIL,1,-1	!The end of the blue trail is the position in TARGET, the start position.
              READ(WRK(2),REC = TRAIL(LOOK) + 1) ASTASH	!Grab a position, dodging the header.
              CALL REPORT(TRAIL(LOOK),"Blue",WNAMEF(ASTASH.MOVE),	!Backwards*backwards = forwards.
    1          ASTASH.BRD)						!The board layout is always straightforward...
              IF (LOOK.NE.NTRAIL) THEN		!The start position has no move leading to it.
                IF (LS(NS).LT.LEN(SHOVE(1))) LS(NS) = LS(NS) + 1	!But count all subsequent ssociated moves.
                SHOVE(NS)(LS(NS):LS(NS)) = WNAMEF(ASTASH.MOVE)	!Place it.
              END IF				!So much for that move.
            END DO			!On to the next move away from the start position.
 140        HEAD = 0			!Syncopation. Prevent the first position of the red trail from being listed.
            LOOK = MET(1,P)		!It is the same position as the first in the TRAIL, but in the primary stash.
            DO WHILE(LOOK.NE.0)	!The red chain runs back to its starting position, which is the "solution" state..
              READ(WRK(1),REC = LOOK + 1) ASTASH	!Which is in the direction I want to list.
              IF (HEAD.NE.0) THEN			!Except that the moves are one step behind for this list.
                CALL REPORT(LOOK,"Red",WNAMEZ(HEAD),ASTASH.BRD)	!As this sequence is not being reversed.
                IF (LS(NS).LT.LEN(SHOVE(1))) LS(NS) = LS(NS) + 1	!This lists the moves in forwards order.
                SHOVE(NS)(LS(NS):LS(NS)) = WNAMEZ(HEAD)	!But the directions are reversed....
              END IF				!This test avoids listing the "Red" position that is the same as the last "Blue" position.
              HEAD = ASTASH.MOVE		!This is the move that led to this position.
              LOOK = ASTASH.PREV		!From the next position, which will be listed next.
            END DO			!Thus, the listed position was led to by the previous position's move.
 150        DO I = 1,NS - 1		!Perhaps the move sequence has been found already.
              IF (SHOVE(I)(1:LS(I)).EQ.SHOVE(NS)(1:LS(NS))) THEN	!So, compare agains previous shoves.
                WRITE (MSG,151) I				!It has been seen.
 151            FORMAT (6X,"... same as for sequence ",I0)	!Humm.
                NS = NS - 1					!Eject the arriviste.
                GO TO 159					!And carry on.
              END IF				!This shouldn't happen...
            END DO			!On to the next comparison.
            WRITE (MSG,152) LS(NS),SHOVE(NS)(1:LS(NS))	!Show the moves along a line.
 152        FORMAT (I4," moves: ",A)	!Surely plural? One-steps wouldn't be tried?
 159      END DO ML		!Perhaps another pair of snakes have met.
        END DO WW	!Advance W to the other one. M will be swapped correspondingly.

Could there be an end to it all?

        IF (.NOT.ANY(SURGED)) STOP "No progress!"	!Oh dear.
        IF (NMET.LE.0) GO TO 100			!Keep right on to the end of the road...
     CHARACTER*(19) FNAME		!A base name for some files.
     INTEGER I,R,C			!Some steppers.
     INTEGER MSG,KBD,WRK(2),NDX(2)	!I/O unit numbers.
     COMMON/IODEV/ MSG,KBD,WRK,NDX	!I talk to the trees..
     KBD = 5			!Standard input. (Keyboard)
     MSG = 6			!Standard output.(Display screen)
     WRK = (/10,12/)		!I need two work files,
     NDX = WRK + 1		!Each with its associated index.
     WRITE (FNAME,1) NR,NC	!Now prepare the file name.
   1 FORMAT ("SlideSolveR",I1,"C",I1,".txt")	!Allowing for variation, somewhat.
     WRITE (MSG,2) NR,NC,FNAME			!Announce.
   2 FORMAT ("To play 'slide-square' with ",I0," rows and ",
    1 I0," columns.",/,"An initial layout will be read from file ",
    2 A,/,"The objective is to attain the nice orderly layout"
    3 " as follows:",/)
     FORALL(I = 1:N - 1) ZERO(I) = I	!Regard the final or "solution" state as ZERO.
     ZERO(N) = 0			!The zero sqiuare is at the end, damnit!
     CALL SHOW(NR,NC,ZERO)		!Show the squares in their "solved" arrangement: the "Red" stash.
     OPEN(WRK(1),FILE=FNAME,STATUS="OLD",ACTION="READ")	!For formatted input.
     DO R = 1,NR			!Chug down the rows, reading successive columns across a row..
       READ (WRK(1),*) (TARGET((R - 1)*NC + C), C = 1,NC)	!Into successive storage locations.
     END DO				!Furrytran's storage order is (column,row) for that, alas.
     CLOSE (WRK(1))			!A small input, but much effort follows.
     WRITE (MSG,3)			!Now show the supplied layout.
   3 FORMAT (/,"The starting position:")	!The target, working backwards.
     CALL SHOW(NR,NC,TARGET)		!This will be the starting point for the "Blue" stash.
     IF (ALL(TARGET.EQ.BOARD)) STOP "Huh? They're the same!"	!Surely not.
     WRITE (MSG,4)
   4 FORMAT (/'The plan is to spread a red tide from the "solved" ',
    1 "layout and a blue tide from the specified starting position.",/
    2 "The hope is that these floods will meet at some position,",
    3 " and the blue moves plus the red moves in reverse order,",/
    4 "will be the shortest sequence from the given starting",
    5 " position to the solution.")
 999 write(msg,*) "type a number to exit..."
     read (kbd,*,err=999) i

The Results

To play 'slide-square' with 4 rows and 4 columns.
An initial layout will be read from file SlideSolveR4C4.txt
The objective is to attain the nice orderly layout as follows:

  1|  1  2  3  4
  2|  5  6  7  8
  3|  9 10 11 12
  4| 13 14 15  0

The starting position:
  1| 15 14  1  6
  2|  9 11  4 12
  3|  0 10  7  3
  4| 13  8  5  2

The plan is to spread a red tide from the "solved" layout and a blue tide from the specified starting position.
The hope is that these floods will meet at some position, and the blue moves plus the red moves in reverse order,
will be the shortest sequence from the given starting position to the solution.

Tide  Red
 Preparing a stash in file SlideSolveR4C4.123456789ABCDEF0.dat
 ... with an index in file SlideSolveR4C4.123456789ABCDEF0.ndx
   199999991  zero values for an empty index.
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 is the board layout in INTEGER*1
 4030201 8070605 C0B0A09   F0E0D is the board layout in INTEGER*4
        48372615        C0BFAE9D ..interleaved into two INTEGER*4
                        EF5FA0E1 multiplied together in INTEGER*4
                      -278945567 as a decimal integer.
ABS(MOD(-278945567,199999991)) + 2 = 78945578 is the record number for the first index entry.

Tide Blue
 Preparing a stash in file SlideSolveR4C4.FE169B4C0A73D852.dat
 ... with an index in file SlideSolveR4C4.FE169B4C0A73D852.ndx
   199999991  zero values for an empty index.
 F E 1 6 9 B 4 C 0 A 7 3 D 8 5 2 is the board layout in INTEGER*1
 6010E0F C040B09 3070A00 205080D is the board layout in INTEGER*4
        6C14EBF9        3275A80D ..interleaved into two INTEGER*4
                        B2B863A5 multiplied together in INTEGER*4
                     -1296538715 as a decimal integer.
ABS(MOD(-1296538715,199999991)) + 2 = 96538771 is the record number for the first index entry.

       |   Tidewrack Boundary Positions  |      Positions     |       Primary Probes         Index Use    |     Secondary Probes   | Memory of Time Passed
Surge  |      First       Last      Count|    Checked Deja vu%|       Made Max.L  Avg.L|   Used%     Load%|       Made Max.L  Avg.L|      CPU        Clock
 1  Red|          1          1          1|          2     0.00|          0     0  0.000|   0.000     0.000|          0     0  0.000|    0.0secs    0.5secs  2.94%  1:07:03.093am.
 1 Blue|          1          1          1|          3     0.00|          0     0  0.000|   0.000     0.000|          0     0  0.000|    0.0secs    0.5secs  3.22%  1:07:03.578am.
 2  Red|          2          3          2|          4     0.00|          0     0  0.000|   0.000     0.000|          0     0  0.000|    0.0secs    0.0secs  0.00%  1:07:03.593am.
 2 Blue|          2          4          3|          6     0.00|          0     0  0.000|   0.000     0.000|          0     0  0.000|    0.1secs    0.5secs 11.75%  1:07:04.125am.
 3  Red|          4          7          4|         10     0.00|          0     0  0.000|   0.000     0.000|          0     0  0.000|    0.1secs    0.7secs 11.63%  1:07:04.812am.
 3 Blue|          5         10          6|         14     0.00|          0     0  0.000|   0.000     0.000|          0     0  0.000|    0.0secs    0.0secs         1:07:04.812am.
 4  Red|          8         17         10|         24     0.00|          0     0  0.000|   0.000     0.000|          0     0  0.000|    0.0secs    0.0secs  0.00%  1:07:04.875am.
 4 Blue|         11         24         14|         32     0.00|          0     0  0.000|   0.000     0.000|          0     0  0.000|    0.0secs    0.1secs  0.00%  1:07:04.953am.
 5  Red|         18         41         24|         54     0.00|          0     0  0.000|   0.000     0.000|          0     0  0.000|    0.0secs    0.0secs  0.00%  1:07:05.015am.
 5 Blue|         25         56         32|         66     0.00|          0     0  0.000|   0.000     0.000|          0     0  0.000|    0.0secs    0.0secs 50.40%  1:07:05.046am.
 6  Red|         42         95         54|        108     0.93|          1     1  1.000|   0.000     0.000|          0     0  0.000|    0.0secs    0.0secs 33.24%  1:07:05.093am.
 6 Blue|         57        122         66|        136     1.47|          2     1  1.000|   0.000     0.000|          0     0  0.000|    0.0secs    0.1secs  0.00%  1:07:05.171am.
 7  Red|         96        202        107|        215     1.40|          3     1  1.000|   0.000     0.000|          0     0  0.000|    0.0secs    0.1secs  0.00%  1:07:05.265am.
 7 Blue|        123        256        134|        285     1.75|          5     1  1.000|   0.000     0.000|          0     0  0.000|    0.0secs    0.1secs  0.00%  1:07:05.375am.
 8  Red|        203        414        212|        456     2.19|         10     1  1.000|   0.000     0.000|          0     0  0.000|    0.0secs    0.2secs  8.36%  1:07:05.578am.
 8 Blue|        257        536        280|        601     2.66|         16     1  1.000|   0.001     0.001|          0     0  0.000|    0.0secs    0.2secs 20.03%  1:07:05.812am.
 9  Red|        415        860        446|        974     2.87|         28     1  1.000|   0.001     0.001|          0     0  0.000|    0.2secs    0.5secs 37.50%  1:07:06.312am.
 9 Blue|        537       1121        585|       1254     3.19|         41     1  1.000|   0.001     0.001|          0     0  0.000|    0.2secs    0.5secs 34.38%  1:07:06.812am.
10  Red|        861       1806        946|       2032     4.13|         88     1  1.000|   0.002     0.002|          0     0  0.000|    0.3secs    0.9secs 37.28%  1:07:07.734am.
10 Blue|       1122       2335       1214|       2578     4.50|        117     1  1.000|   0.002     0.002|          0     0  0.000|    0.3secs    1.1secs 25.00%  1:07:08.859am.
11  Red|       1807       3754       1948|       4124     4.51|        189     1  1.000|   0.004     0.004|          0     0  0.000|    0.5secs    1.8secs 29.66%  1:07:10.703am.
11 Blue|       2336       4797       2462|       5188     4.66|        249     1  1.000|   0.005     0.005|          0     0  0.000|    0.6secs    2.2secs 27.54%  1:07:12.859am.
12  Red|       3755       7692       3938|       8244     5.29|        440     1  1.000|   0.008     0.008|          0     0  0.000|    1.0secs    3.6secs 28.51%  1:07:16.421am.
12 Blue|       4798       9743       4946|      10442     5.56|        588     1  1.000|   0.010     0.010|          1     1  1.000|    1.6secs    4.2secs 38.20%  1:07:20.593am.
13  Red|       7693      15500       7808|      16470     5.62|        943     1  1.000|   0.016     0.016|          0     0  0.000|    2.2secs    6.5secs 33.65%  1:07:27.093am.
13 Blue|       9744      19604       9861|      20858     6.03|       1285     2  1.001|   0.020     0.020|          4     1  1.000|    2.8secs    7.5secs 37.00%  1:07:34.625am.
14  Red|      15501      31044      15544|      32950     6.46|       2175     2  1.000|   0.031     0.031|          5     1  1.000|    3.8secs   11.2secs 34.12%  1:07:45.843am.
14 Blue|      19605      39204      19600|      41448     6.66|       2813     2  1.001|   0.039     0.039|         14     1  1.000|    4.6secs   12.7secs 36.19%  1:07:58.578am.
15  Red|      31045      61865      30821|      65311     6.84|       4611     2  1.001|   0.061     0.061|         23     1  1.000|    6.8secs   17.2secs 39.62%  1:08:15.734am.
15 Blue|      39205      77892      38688|      81703     6.87|       5803     2  1.000|   0.077     0.077|         47     1  1.000|    7.2secs   18.2secs 39.64%  1:08:33.906am.
16  Red|      61866     122707      60842|     128412     7.33|       9742     2  1.002|   0.121     0.121|         77     2  1.013|   11.9secs   23.2secs 51.21%  1:08:57.093am.
16 Blue|      77893     153978      76086|     160446     7.49|      12421     2  1.001|   0.151     0.151|        172     1  1.000|   13.6secs   23.2secs 58.57%  1:09:20.250am.
17  Red|     122708     241707     119000|     250818     7.56|      20063     3  1.002|   0.236     0.237|        303     1  1.000|   20.5secs   30.5secs 67.33%  1:09:50.765am.
17 Blue|     153979     302413     148435|     312766     7.89|      26220     2  1.002|   0.294     0.295|        678     2  1.001|   24.3secs   32.3secs 75.17%  1:10:23.109am.
18  Red|     241708     473551     231844|     487982     8.33|      43582     3  1.003|   0.458     0.460|       1229     2  1.002|   38.0secs   46.2secs 82.36%  1:11:09.265am.
18 Blue|     302414     590511     288098|     606919     8.56|      56018     3  1.003|   0.570     0.573|       2440     2  1.004|   47.5secs   59.4secs 80.02%  1:12:08.687am.
19  Red|     473552     920893     447342|     942552     8.79|      93152     3  1.005|   0.883     0.890|       4672     2  1.005|   73.1secs   91.3secs 80.07%  1:13:40.046am.
19 Blue|     590512    1145481     554970|    1168265     9.04|     120435     3  1.006|   1.093     1.104|       8999     3  1.009|   90.6secs    1.9mins 81.12%  1:15:31.765am.
20  Red|     920894    1780637     859744|    1809752     9.52|     202081     3  1.007|   1.687     1.709|      17194     2  1.008|    2.4mins    3.0mins 79.31%  1:18:30.265am.
20 Blue|    1145482    2208109    1062628|    2235235     9.77|     262047     3  1.008|   2.080     2.112|      33025     3  1.014|    3.0mins    3.7mins 79.82%  1:22:14.375am.
21  Red|    1780638    3418020    1637383|    3444691    10.06|     451483     4  1.014|   3.183     3.258|      62538     3  1.015|    4.5mins    5.7mins 79.80%  1:27:56.468am.
21 Blue|    2208110    4224923    2016814|    4238343    10.33|     588823     4  1.017|   3.905     4.013|     118609     5  1.024|    5.7mins    7.1mins 80.08%  1:35:03.140am.
22  Red|    3418021    6516290    3098270|    6506982    10.83|    1022051     4  1.023|   5.926     6.159|     219923     4  1.025|    8.7mins   10.7mins 81.12%  1:45:44.328am.
22 Blue|    4224924    8025605    3800682|    7979315    11.11|    1353159     5  1.029|   7.218     7.559|     414055     4  1.039|   10.9mins   13.8mins 79.04%  1:59:31.875am.
23  Red|    6516291   12318701    5802411|   12178635    11.45|    2470087     6  1.048|  10.780    11.551|     765853     5  1.046|   17.3mins   24.1mins 71.78%  2:23:35.828am.
23 Blue|    8025606   15118814    7093209|   14877107    11.76|    3307729     5  1.058|  13.003    14.123|    1401940     6  1.071|   22.4mins   35.3mins 63.46%  2:58:53.375am.
24  Red|   12318702   23102481   10783780|   22603192    12.29|    6014769     6  1.083|  19.074    21.464|    2526552     6  1.084|   36.7mins   65.6mins 55.95%  4:04:29.375am.
24 Blue|   15118815   28246178   13127364|   27507742    12.56|    8148893     7  1.105|  22.682    26.150|    4539588     7  1.124|   49.4mins   96.5mins 51.22%  5:40:59.265am.
25  Red|   23102482   42928799   19826318|   41532426    12.98|   15508438     9  1.166|  32.086    39.535|    8144188     7  1.151|   84.5mins    3.0hrs! 47.06%  8:40:25.296am.
25 Blue|   28246179   52299632   24053454|   50352435    13.30|   21007872     9  1.207|  37.354    47.979|   13961187     8  1.232|    2.0hrs!    4.4hrs! 44.40%  1:07:12.546pm.
26  Red|   42928800   79070945   36142146|   75611538    13.85|   38688179    10  1.300|  50.548    72.103|   24060624     9  1.278|    3.5hrs!    8.3hrs! 42.77%  9:23:03.250pm.
26 Blue|   52299633   95957208   43657576|   91305518    14.15|   51817830    14  1.379|  57.098    87.170|   39429635    10  1.424|    5.3hrs!   12.5hrs! 42.37%  9:53:57.890am.

     Record Stash Move |Board layout by row|  Max|d|  Sum|d|   Euclidean   Encoded vs Zero
          1  Blue      |FE16/9B4C/0A73/D852|      14      86      27.055    19442940853367
          2  Blue    L |FE16/9B4C/A073/D852|      14      88      27.423    19442940844007
          5  Blue    L |FE16/9B4C/A703/D852|      14      88      27.677    19442940842087
         11  Blue    L |FE16/9B4C/A730/D852|      14      88      27.785    19442940841679
         25  Blue    D |FE16/9B40/A73C/D852|      14      80      26.000    19442940922295
         58  Blue    R |FE16/9B04/A73C/D852|      14      80      25.846    19442943220535
        126  Blue    U |FE16/9B34/A70C/D852|      14      80      26.306    19442940271895
        265  Blue    R |FE16/9B34/A07C/D852|      14      80      26.038    19442940274415
        554  Blue    D |FE16/9034/AB7C/D852|      14      72      24.290    19442951159375
       1156  Blue    D |F016/9E34/AB7C/D852|      14      64      21.863    19530129450575
       2409  Blue    R |0F16/9E34/AB7C/D852|      13      62      21.166    20837803818575
       4949  Blue    U |9F16/0E34/AB7C/D852|      13      70      22.804    11597104535375
      10052  Blue    L |9F16/E034/AB7C/D852|      13      72      23.409    11597064618575
      20229  Blue    D |9016/EF34/AB7C/D852|      10      64      20.688    11684242909775
      40459  Blue    L |9106/EF34/AB7C/D852|      10      64      20.736    10544698103375
      80368  Blue    U |9136/EF04/AB7C/D852|      10      64      21.307    10469454209615
     158888  Blue    U |9136/EF74/AB0C/D852|      11      64      22.583    10469452026935
     312029  Blue    U |9136/EF74/AB5C/D802|      15      64      23.452    10469452026423
     609335  Blue    R |9136/EF74/AB5C/D082|      14      64      23.108    10469452026425
    1182001  Blue    D |9136/EF74/A05C/DB82|      10      62      21.119    10469452028615
    2278389  Blue    D |9136/E074/AF5C/DB82|       9      54      18.055    10469455657415
    4359103  Blue    R |9136/0E74/AF5C/DB82|       8      52      17.263    10469531862215
    8279825  Blue    D |0136/9E74/AF5C/DB82|       8      44      15.033    19623012937415
   15596324  Blue    L |1036/9E74/AF5C/DB82|       8      44      15.100     1228393494215
   29135380  Blue    L |1306/9E74/AF5C/DB82|       8      46      15.297      169799958215
   53940860  Blue    L |1360/9E74/AF5C/DB82|       8      48      15.684      111840764615
   98956855  Blue    U |1364/9E70/AF5C/DB82|       8      48      16.673      106528120775
   47181586   Red    R |1364/9E07/AF5C/DB82|       8      48      16.248      106530419015
   25400927   Red    U |1364/9E57/AF0C/DB82|      11      48      17.436      106527470375
   13548279   Red    U |1364/9E57/AF8C/DB02|      15      48      19.183      106527469863
    7168799   Red    L |1364/9E57/AF8C/DB20|      13      44      17.550      106527469862
    3761169   Red    D |1364/9E57/AF80/DB2C|      13      68      24.413      106527469916
    1959965   Red    R |1364/9E57/AF08/DB2C|      13      68      24.083      106527470324
    1013648   Red    U |1364/9E57/AF28/DB0C|      15      68      24.413      106527469693
     521247   Red    R |1364/9E57/AF28/D0BC|      14      68      23.958      106527469696
     266034   Red    D |1364/9E57/A028/DFBC|      12      60      21.307      106527470416
     135063   Red    D |1364/9057/AE28/DFBC|      12      52      18.493      106534727296
      68120   Red    L |1364/9507/AE28/DFBC|      12      52      18.762      106504971136
      34188   Red    U |1364/9527/AE08/DFBC|      12      52      19.183      106501659736
      17049   Red    U |1364/9527/AEB8/DF0C|      15      52      21.354      106501659249
       8443   Red    R |1364/9527/AEB8/D0FC|      14      50      20.640      106501659251
       4119   Red    D |1364/9527/A0B8/DEFC|      12      42      17.720      106501660689
       1986   Red    R |1364/9527/0AB8/DEFC|      12      40      17.146      106501687329
        950   Red    D |1364/0527/9AB8/DEFC|      12      32      14.900      106781074689
        458   Red    L |1364/5027/9AB8/DEFC|      12      32      15.232      106414565889
        222   Red    L |1364/5207/9AB8/DEFC|      12      32      15.362      106381543809
        104   Red    D |1304/5267/9AB8/DEFC|      12      26      13.711      168648485889
         46   Red    R |1034/5267/9AB8/DEFC|      12      24      13.491     1227242021889
         20   Red    U |1234/5067/9AB8/DEFC|      12      24      14.071          36293889
          9   Red    L |1234/5607/9AB8/DEFC|      12      24      14.491           3271809
          4   Red    L |1234/5670/9AB8/DEFC|      12      24      14.967            328449
          2   Red    U |1234/5678/9AB0/DEFC|      12      24      16.971               105
          1   Red    U |1234/5678/9ABC/DEF0|       0       0       0.000                 0

     Record Stash Move |Board layout by row|  Max|d|  Sum|d|   Euclidean   Encoded vs Zero
          1  Blue      |FE16/9B4C/0A73/D852|      14      86      27.055    19442940853367
          2  Blue    L |FE16/9B4C/A073/D852|      14      88      27.423    19442940844007
          5  Blue    L |FE16/9B4C/A703/D852|      14      88      27.677    19442940842087
         11  Blue    L |FE16/9B4C/A730/D852|      14      88      27.785    19442940841679
         25  Blue    D |FE16/9B40/A73C/D852|      14      80      26.000    19442940922295
         58  Blue    R |FE16/9B04/A73C/D852|      14      80      25.846    19442943220535
        126  Blue    U |FE16/9B34/A70C/D852|      14      80      26.306    19442940271895
        266  Blue    U |FE16/9B34/A75C/D802|      15      80      27.055    19442940271383
        558  Blue    R |FE16/9B34/A75C/D082|      14      80      26.758    19442940271385
       1163  Blue    D |FE16/9B34/A05C/D782|      14      80      25.690    19442940274293
       2420  Blue    D |FE16/9034/AB5C/D782|      14      72      23.917    19442951159253
       4967  Blue    D |F016/9E34/AB5C/D782|      14      64      21.448    19530129450453
      10090  Blue    R |0F16/9E34/AB5C/D782|      13      62      20.736    20837803818453
      20306  Blue    U |9F16/0E34/AB5C/D782|      13      70      22.405    11597104535253
      40605  Blue    L |9F16/E034/AB5C/D782|      13      72      23.022    11597064618453
      80644  Blue    D |9016/EF34/AB5C/D782|       9      64      20.248    11684242909653
     159412  Blue    L |9106/EF34/AB5C/D782|       9      64      20.298    10544698103253
     313039  Blue    U |9136/EF04/AB5C/D782|       9      64      20.881    10469454209493
     611272  Blue    U |9136/EF54/AB0C/D782|      11      64      21.817    10469451664053
    1185720  Blue    U |9136/EF54/AB8C/D702|      15      64      23.238    10469451663663
    2285440  Blue    L |9136/EF54/AB8C/D720|      13      60      21.909    10469451663662
    4372401  Blue    D |9136/EF54/AB80/D72C|      13      84      27.713    10469451663716
    8304687  Blue    R |9136/EF54/AB08/D72C|      13      84      27.423    10469451664028
   15642421  Blue    R |9136/EF54/A0B8/D72C|      13      82      27.019    10469451665948
   29220003  Blue    D |9136/E054/AFB8/D72C|      13      74      24.698    10469455294748
   54094941  Blue    R |9136/0E54/AFB8/D72C|      13      72      24.125    10469531499548
   99233939  Blue    D |0136/9E54/AFB8/D72C|      13      64      22.583    19623012574748
   53847416   Red    L |1036/9E54/AFB8/D72C|      13      64      22.627     1228393131548
   29052034   Red    L |1306/9E54/AFB8/D72C|      13      66      22.760      169799595548
   15525093   Red    L |1360/9E54/AFB8/D72C|      13      68      23.022      111840401948
    8231956   Red    U |1364/9E50/AFB8/D72C|      13      68      23.707      106527758108
    4326107   Red    U |1364/9E58/AFB0/D72C|      13      68      25.020      106527510356
    2258614   Red    R |1364/9E58/AF0B/D72C|      13      68      24.576      106527510668
    1169712   Red    U |1364/9E58/AF2B/D70C|      15      68      24.900      106527510037
     602597   Red    R |1364/9E58/AF2B/D07C|      14      68      24.617      106527510040
     308014   Red    D |1364/9E58/A02B/DF7C|      12      60      22.045      106527510760
     156652   Red    D |1364/9058/AE2B/DF7C|      12      52      19.339      106534767640
      79080   Red    L |1364/9508/AE2B/DF7C|      12      52      19.596      106505011480
      39747   Red    U |1364/9528/AE0B/DF7C|      12      52      20.000      106501700080
      19843   Red    U |1364/9528/AE7B/DF0C|      15      52      21.354      106501699449
       9866   Red    R |1364/9528/AE7B/D0FC|      14      50      20.640      106501699451
       4832   Red    D |1364/9528/A07B/DEFC|      12      42      17.720      106501700889
       2335   Red    R |1364/9528/0A7B/DEFC|      12      40      17.146      106501727529
       1114   Red    D |1364/0528/9A7B/DEFC|      12      32      14.900      106781114889
        534   Red    L |1364/5028/9A7B/DEFC|      12      32      15.232      106414606089
        259   Red    L |1364/5208/9A7B/DEFC|      12      32      15.362      106381584009
        124   Red    D |1304/5268/9A7B/DEFC|      12      26      13.711      168648526089
         56   Red    R |1034/5268/9A7B/DEFC|      12      24      13.491     1227242062089
         24   Red    U |1234/5068/9A7B/DEFC|      12      24      14.071          36334089
         10   Red    L |1234/5608/9A7B/DEFC|      12      24      14.491           3312009
          5   Red    U |1234/5678/9A0B/DEFC|      12      24      16.310               609
          2   Red    L |1234/5678/9AB0/DEFC|      12      24      16.971               105
          1   Red    U |1234/5678/9ABC/DEF0|       0       0       0.000                 0


<lang fsharp> // A Naive 15 puzzle solver using no memory. Nigel Galloway: October 6th., 2017 let Nr = [|3;0;0;0;0;1;1;1;1;2;2;2;2;3;3;3|] let Nc = [|3;0;1;2;3;0;1;2;3;0;1;2;3;0;1;2|] let rec Solve n =

 let rec fN (i,g,e,l,_) = seq {
   let   fI = let n = (11-g-i*4)*4
              let a = (e&&&(15UL<<<n))
              (i+1,g,e-a+(a<<<16),'d'::l,Nr.[(int (a>>>n))] <= i)
   let   fG = let n = (19-g-i*4)*4
              let a = (e&&&(15UL<<<n))
              (i-1,g,e-a+(a>>>16),'u'::l,Nr.[(int (a>>>n))] >= i)
   let   fE = let n = (14-g-i*4)*4
              let a = (e&&&(15UL<<<n))
              (i,g+1,e-a+(a<<<4), 'r'::l,Nc.[(int (a>>>n))] <= g)
   let   fL = let n = (16-g-i*4)*4
              let a = (e&&&(15UL<<<n))
              (i,g-1,e-a+(a>>>4), 'l'::l,Nc.[(int (a>>>n))] >= g)
   let   fZ (n,i,g,e,l) = seq{yield (n,i,g,e,l); if l then yield! fN (n,i,g,e,l)}
   match (i,g,l) with
     |(0,0,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fI
     |(0,0,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fE
     |(0,0,_)      -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE
     |(0,3,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fI
     |(0,3,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fL
     |(0,3,_)      -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fL
     |(3,0,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fG
     |(3,0,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fE
     |(3,0,_)      -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG
     |(3,3,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fG
     |(3,3,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fL
     |(3,3,_)      -> yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
     |(0,_,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fL
     |(0,_,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE
     |(0,_,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fL
     |(0,_,_)      -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fL
     |(_,0,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,0,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,0,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE
     |(_,0,_)      -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG
     |(3,_,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
     |(3,_,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG
     |(3,_,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fL
     |(3,_,_)      -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
     |(_,3,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fL
     |(_,3,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fL; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,3,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,3,_)      -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fL; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,_,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fL
     |(_,_,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
     |(_,_,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,_,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
     |_            -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
 let n = Seq.collect fN n
 match (Seq.tryFind(fun(_,_,n,_,_)->n=0x123456789abcdef0UL)) n with
 |Some(_,_,_,n,_) -> printf "Solution found with %d moves: " (List.length n); List.iter (string >> printf "%s") (List.rev n); printfn ""
 |_               -> Solve (Seq.filter(fun (_,_,_,_,n)->not n) n)

Solve [(2,0,0xfe169b4c0a73d852UL,[],false)] </lang>

Solution found with 52 moves: rrrulddluuuldrurdddrullulurrrddldluurddlulurruldrdrd


<lang Phix>-- -- demo\rosetta\Solve15puzzle.exw -- constant STM = 0 -- single-tile metrics. constant MTM = 0 -- multi-tile metrics. if STM and MTM then ?9/0 end if -- both prohibited -- 0 0 -- fastest, but non-optimal -- 1 0 -- optimal in STM -- 0 1 -- optimal in MTM (slowest by far)

--Note: The fast method uses an inadmissible heuristic - see "not STM" in iddfs(). -- It explores mtm-style using the higher stm heuristic and may therefore -- fail badly in some cases.

constant SIZE = 4

constant goal = { 1, 2, 3, 4,

                 5, 6, 7, 8,
                13,14,15, 0}

-- -- multi-tile-metric walking distance heuristic lookup (mmwd). -- ========================================================== -- Uses patterns of counts of tiles in/from row/col, eg the solved state -- (ie goal above) could be represented by the following: -- {{4,0,0,0}, -- {0,4,0,0}, -- {0,0,4,0}, -- {0,0,0,3}} -- ie row/col 1 contains 4 tiles from col/row 1, etc. In this case -- both are identical, but you can count row/col or col/row, and then -- add them together. There are up to 24964 possible patterns. The -- blank space is not counted. Note that a vertical move cannot change -- a vertical pattern, ditto horizontal, and basic symmetry means that -- row/col and col/row patterns will match (at least, that is, if they -- are calculated sympathetically), halving the setup cost. -- The data is just the number of moves made before this pattern was -- first encountered, in a breadth-first search, backwards from the -- goal state, until all patterns have been enumerated. -- (The same ideas/vars are now also used for stm metrics when MTM=0) -- sequence wdkey -- one such 4x4 pattern constant mmwd = new_dict() -- lookup table, data is walking distance.

-- -- We use two to-do lists: todo is the current list, and everything -- of walkingdistance+1 ends up on tdnx. Once todo is exhausted, we -- swap the dictionary-ids, so tdnx automatically becomes empty. -- Key is an mmwd pattern as above, and data is {distance,space_idx}. -- integer todo = new_dict() integer tdnx = new_dict()


enum UP = 1, DOWN = -1

procedure explore(integer space_idx, walking_distance, direction) -- -- Given a space index, explore all the possible moves in direction, -- setting the distance and extending the tdnx table. -- integer tile_idx = space_idx+direction

   for group=1 to SIZE do
       if wdkey[tile_idx][group] then
           -- ie: check row tile_idx for tiles belonging to rows 1..4
           -- Swap one of those tiles with the space
           wdkey[tile_idx][group] -= 1
           wdkey[space_idx][group] += 1
           if getd_index(wdkey,mmwd)=0 then
               -- save the walking distance value
               -- and add to the todo next list:
               if getd_index(wdkey,tdnx)!=0 then ?9/0 end if
           end if

if MTM then

           if tile_idx>1 and tile_idx<SIZE then
               -- mtm: same direction means same distance:
               explore(tile_idx, walking_distance, direction)
           end if

end if

           -- Revert the swap so we can look at the next candidate.
           wdkey[tile_idx][group] += 1
           wdkey[space_idx][group] -= 1
       end if
   end for

end procedure

procedure generate_mmwd() -- Perform a breadth-first search begining with the solved puzzle state -- and exploring from there until no more new patterns emerge. integer walking_distance = 0, space = 4

   wdkey = {{4,0,0,0}, -- \
            {0,4,0,0}, --  } 4 tiles in correct row positions
            {0,0,4,0}, -- /
            {0,0,0,3}} --    3 tiles in correct row position
   while 1 do
       if space<4 then explore(space, walking_distance, UP)    end if
       if space>1 then explore(space, walking_distance, DOWN) end if
       if dict_size(todo)=0 then
           if dict_size(tdnx)=0 then exit end if
           {todo,tdnx} = {tdnx,todo}
       end if
       wdkey = getd_partial_key(0,todo)
       {walking_distance,space} = getd(wdkey,todo)
   end while

end procedure

function walking_distance(sequence puzzle) sequence rkey = repeat(repeat(0,SIZE),SIZE),

        ckey = repeat(repeat(0,SIZE),SIZE)
   integer k = 1
   for i=1 to SIZE do  -- rows
       for j=1 to SIZE do  -- columns
           integer tile = puzzle[k]
           if tile!=0 then
               integer row = floor((tile-1)/4)+1,
                       col = mod(tile-1,4)+1
               rkey[i][row] += 1
               ckey[j][col] += 1
           end if
           k += 1
       end for
   end for
   if getd_index(rkey,mmwd)=0
   or getd_index(ckey,mmwd)=0 then
       ?9/0 -- sanity check
   end if
   integer rwd = getd(rkey,mmwd),
           cwd = getd(ckey,mmwd)
   return rwd+cwd

end function

sequence puzzle string res = "" atom t0 = time(),

    t1 = time()+1

atom tries = 0

constant ok = {{0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1}, -- left

              {0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1},   -- up
              {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0},   -- down
              {1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0}}   -- right

function iddfs(integer step, lim, space, prevmv)

   if time()>t1 then
       printf(1,"working... (depth=%d, tries=%d, time=%3ds)\r",{lim,tries,time()-t0})
       t1 = time()+1
   end if
   tries += 1
   integer d = iff(step==lim?0:walking_distance(puzzle))
   if d=0 then
       return (puzzle==goal)
   elsif step+d<=lim then
       for mv=1 to 4 do -- l/u/d/r
           if prevmv!=(5-mv) -- not l after r or vice versa, ditto u/d
           and ok[mv][space] then
               integer nspace = space+{-1,-4,+4,+1}[mv]
               integer tile = puzzle[nspace]
               if puzzle[space]!=0 then ?9/0 end if    -- sanity check     
               puzzle[space] = tile
               puzzle[nspace] = 0
               if iddfs(step+iff(MTM or not STM?(prevmv!=mv):1),lim,nspace,mv) then
                   res &= "ludr"[mv]
                   return true
               end if
               puzzle[nspace] = tile
               puzzle[space] = 0
           end if
       end for
   end if
   return false

end function

function pack(string s) integer n = length(s), n0 = n

   for i=1 to 4 do
       integer ch = "lrud"[i], k
       while 1 do
           k = match(repeat(ch,3),s)
           if k=0 then exit end if
           s[k+1..k+2] = "3"
           n -= 2
       end while
       while 1 do
           k = match(repeat(ch,2),s)
           if k=0 then exit end if
           s[k+1] = '2'
           n -= 1
       end while
   end for
   return {n,iff(MTM?sprintf("%d",n):sprintf("%d(%d)",{n,n0})),s}

end function

procedure apply_moves(string moves, integer space) integer move, ch, nspace

   puzzle[space] = 0
   for i=1 to length(moves) do
       ch = moves[i]
       if ch>'3' then
           move = find(ch,"ulrd")
       end if
       -- (hint: "r" -> the 'r' does 1
       --        "r2" -> the 'r' does 1, the '2' does 1
       --        "r3" -> the 'r' does 1, the '3' does 2!)
       for j=1 to 1+(ch='3') do
           nspace = space+{-4,-1,+1,4}[move]
           puzzle[space] = puzzle[nspace]
           space = nspace
           puzzle[nspace] = 0
       end for
   end for

end procedure

function solvable(sequence board) integer n = length(board) sequence positions = repeat(0,n)

   -- prepare the mapping from each tile to its position
   board[find(0,board)] = n
   for i=1 to n do
       positions[board[i]] = i
   end for
   -- check whether this is an even or odd state
   integer row = floor((positions[16]-1)/4),
           col = (positions[16]-1)-row*4
   bool even_state = (positions[16]==16) or (mod(row,2)==mod(col,2))
   -- count the even cycles
   integer even_count = 0
   sequence visited = repeat(false,16)
   for i=1 to n do
       if not visited[i] then
           -- a new cycle starts at i. Count its length..
           integer cycle_length = 0,
                   next_tile = i
           while not visited[next_tile] do
               cycle_length +=1
               visited[next_tile] = true
               next_tile = positions[next_tile]
           end while
           even_count += (mod(cycle_length,2)==0)
       end if
   end for
   return even_state == (mod(even_count,2)==0)

end function

procedure main()

   puzzle = {15,14, 1, 6, 
              9,11, 4,12,
              0,10, 7, 3, 
             13, 8, 5, 2}
   if not solvable(puzzle) then
       printf(1,"puzzle is not solveable\n")
       sequence original = puzzle
       integer space = find(0,puzzle)
       for lim=walking_distance(puzzle) to iff(MTM?43:80) do
           if iddfs(0, lim, space, '-') then exit end if
       end for
       {integer n, string ns, string ans} = pack(reverse(res))
       atom t = time()-t0
       printf(1,"\n%soptimal solution of %s moves found in %s: %s\n\nresult: ",
       puzzle = original
   end if

end procedure main()</lang>

non-optimal solution of 35(60) moves found in 2.42s: u2r2d3ru2ld2ru3ld3l2u3r2d2l2dru2ldru2rd3lulur3dl2ur2d2
stm-optimal solution of 38(52) moves found in 1 minute and 54s: r3uldlu2ldrurd3lu2lur3dld2ruldlu2rd2lulur2uldr2d2
mtm-optimal solution of 31(60) moves found in 2 hours, 38 minutes and 28s: u2r2d3ru2ld2ru3ld3l2u3r2d2l2dru3rd3l2u2r3dl3dru2r2d2