Associative array/Creation

From Rosetta Code
Associative array/Creation
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

In this task, the goal is to create an associative array.


Works with: GNAT version GPL 2007


with Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Associative_Array is
   -- Instantiate the generic package Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps

   package Associative_Int is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps(Unbounded_String, Integer);
   use Associative_Int;
   Color_Map : Map;
   Color_Cursor : Cursor;
   Success : Boolean;
   Value : Integer;

   -- Add values to the ordered map

   Color_Map.Insert(To_Unbounded_String("Red"), 10, Color_Cursor, Success);
   Color_Map.Insert(To_Unbounded_String("Blue"), 20, Color_Cursor, Success);
   Color_Map.Insert(To_Unbounded_String("Yellow"), 5, Color_Cursor, Success);

   -- retrieve values from the ordered map and print the value and key
   -- to the screen

   Value := Color_Map.Element(To_Unbounded_String("Red"));
   Ada.Text_Io.Put_Line("Red:" & Integer'Image(Value));
   Value := Color_Map.Element(To_Unbounded_String("Blue"));
   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Blue:" & Integer'Image(Value));
   Value := Color_Map.Element(To_Unbounded_String("Yellow"));
   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Yellow:" & Integer'Image(Value));
end Associative_Array;



Works with: Dyalog APL
      ⍝  Create a namespace ("hash")
      X←⎕NS ⍬
      ⍝ Assign some names
      ⍝  Access the names
      ⍝  Or do it the array way
      X.(foo this)
88  that 
      ⍝  Namespaces are first class objects
      sales ← ⎕NS ⍬
      sales.(prices quantities) ← (100 98.4 103.4 110.16) (10  12 8  10)
      sales.(revenue ← prices +.× quantities)


Works with: g++ version 4.0.2
 #include <map>
 #include <string>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <ostream>
 int main()
   // This is an associative array which maps strings to ints
   typedef std::map<std::string, int> colormap_t;
   colormap_t colormap;
   // First, populate it with some values
   colormap["red"] = 0xff0000;
   colormap["green"] = 0x00ff00;
   colormap["blue"] = 0x0000ff;
   colormap["my favourite color"] = 0x00ffff;
   // then, get some values out
   int color = colormap["green"]; // color gets 0x00ff00
   color = colormap["black"]; // accessing unassigned values assigns them to 0
   // get some value out without accidentally inserting new ones
   colormap_t::iterator i = colormap.find("green");
   if (i == colormap.end())
     std::cerr << "color not found!\n";
     color = i->second;
   // Now I changed my mind about my favourite color, so change it
   colormap["my favourite color"] = 0x337733;
   // print out all defined colors
   for (colormap_t::iterator i = colormap.begin(); i != colormap.end(); ++i)
     std::cerr << "colormap[\"" << i->first << "\"] = 0x" << std::hex << i->second << "\n";

A simpler example which only creates the array and assigns a value.

#include <map>
#include <string>

main( int argc, char* argv[] )
 std::map< std::string, std::string > hash ;
 hash[ "key-1" ] = "val1" ;


Platform: .NET 1.x

 System.Collections.HashTable map = new System.Collections.HashTable();
 map["key1"] = "foo";

Platform: .NET 2.0

 Dictionary<string, string> map = new Dictionary<string,string>();
 map[ "key1" ] = "foo";
Works with: C# version 3.0+


 var map = new Dictionary<string, string> Template:"key1", "foo";



 <cfset myHash = structNew()>
 <cfset myHash.key1 = "foo">
 <cfset myHash["key2"] = "bar">
 <cfset myHash.put("key3","java-style")>

In ColdFusion, a map is literally a java.util.HashMap, thus the above 3rd method is possible.

Common Lisp

 ;; default :test is #'eql, which is suitable for numbers only,
 ;; or for implementation identity for other types!
 ;; Use #'equalp if you want case-insensitive keying on strings.
 (setf my-hash (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
 (setf (gethash "H2O" my-hash) "Water")
 (setf (gethash "HCl" my-hash) "Hydrochloric Acid")
 (setf (gethash "CO" my-hash) "Carbon Monoxide")
 ;; That was actually a hash table, an associative array or
 ;; alist is written like this:
 (defparameter *legs* '((cow . 4) (flamingo . 2) (centipede . 100)))
 ;; you can use assoc to do lookups and cons new elements onto it to make it longer.


int[string] hash = ["foo"[]:42, "bar":100];
assert("foo" in hash);


[].asMap()                             # immutable, empty
["one" => 1, "two" => 2]               # immutable, 2 mappings
[].asMap().diverge()                   # mutable, empty
["one" => 2].diverge(String, float64)  # mutable, initial contents, 
                                       #   typed (coerces to float)


Works with: GNU Forth version 0.6.2

The Forth dictionary is normally only used for function and symbol definitions, but you can also define separate wordlists for holding functions or data. There is no special syntax in the language for this, but you can define your own. All of Forth's defining words are available for adding things to the wordlist, but CREATE is most generic.

: get ( key len table -- data )     \ 0 if not present
  search-wordlist if
    >body @
  else 0 then ;

: put ( data key len table -- )
  >r 2dup r@ search-wordlist if
    r> drop nip nip
    >body !
    r> get-current >r set-current      \ switch definition word lists
    nextname create ,
    r> set-current
  then ;
wordlist constant bar
5 s" alpha" bar put
9 s" beta"  bar put
2 s" gamma" bar put
s" alpha" bar get .    \ 5
8 s" Alpha" bar put    \ Forth dictionaries are normally case-insensitive
s" alpha" bar get .   \ 8

This is not necessarily a good option in all Forths, as the dictionary may be implemented as a simple linked list (normally not a problem because the dictionary is only used for compiling and interactive interpretation). GNU Forth and many other hosted Forths use hash tables for the dictionary, so this is a fine choice. If you need case-sensitive keys, GNU Forth has table and table-find, replacing wordlist and search-wordlist, respectively.

(The use of nextname ( str len -- ) is a GNU Forth extension to create; there is no means in the ANS standard to use a string on the stack to create a dictionary entry.)


Create an empty map and add values

 map = [:]
 map[7] = 7
 map['foo'] = 'foovalue'
 map.put('bar', 'barvalue')
 map.moo = 'moovalue'

 assert 7 == map[7]
 assert 'foovalue' ==
 assert 'barvalue' == map['bar']
 assert 'moovalue' == map.get('moo')

Create a pre-populated map and verify values

 map = [7:7, foo:'foovalue', bar:'barvalue', moo:'moovalue']

 assert 7 == map[7]
 assert 'foovalue' ==
 assert 'barvalue' == map['bar']
 assert 'moovalue' == map.get('moo')


Works with: GHC
import Data.Map

dict = fromList [("key1","val1"), ("key2","val2")]


procedure main() 
   local t
   t := table() 
   t["foo"] := "bar"


Works with: Java version 1.5+

Defining the Map:

 Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
 map.put("foo", 5);
 map.put("bar", 10);
 map.put("baz", 15);
 map.put("foo", 6)

"Putting" a value for a key that already exists ("map.put("foo", 6)" in this example) will replace and return the old value for the key.

Retrieving a value:

 map.get("foo") // => 5
 map.get("invalid") // => null

Iterate over keys:

 for (String key: map.keySet()) 

Iterate over values:

  for (int value: map.values())

Iterate over key, value pairs:

  for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry: map.entrySet())
     System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " => " + entry.getValue());


In Javascript we make an associative array from an empty object, otherwise if we make it from an array we'll get all the Array object's method and properties when we iterate over it

 var assoc = {};
 assoc['foo'] = 'bar';
 assoc['another-key'] = 3;
 assoc.thirdKey = 'we can also do this!';
 for(key in assoc)
   alert('key:"'+key+'", value:"'+assoc[key]+'"');

The above associative array can also be constructed using Javascript's object literal syntax

 var assoc = {
   'another-key':3, //the key can either be enclosed by quotes or not
   thirdKey = 'we can also do this!'

UCB Logo has "property lists" which associate names with values. They have their own namespace.

pprop "animals "cat 5
pprop "animals "dog 4
pprop "animals "mouse 11
print gprop "animals "cat    ; 5
remprop "animals "dog
show plist "animals    ;  [mouse 11 cat 5]


Lua tables are Hashes

 hash = {}
 hash[ "key-1" ] = "val1"
 hash[ "key-2" ] = 1
 hash[ "key-3" ] = {}

Returns nil on unknown key.


Works with: gcc

You can use a NSDictionary to create a immutable hash. A dictionary can contain only objects; if you want store non objects like integer, you have to box it in NSNumber.

NSDictionary *dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
    @"Joe Doe", @"name",
    [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:42], @"age",
    [NSNull null], @"extra",

To create a mutable dictionary, use NSMutableDictionary:

NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[dict setObject:@"Joe Doe" forKey:@"name"];
[dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:42] forKey:@"age"];

You can access value with objectForKey:. If a key does not exists, nil is returned.

NSString *name = [dict objectForKey:@"name"];
unsigned age = [dict objectForKey:@"age"] unsignedIntValue];
id missing = [dict objectForKey:@"missing"];


Hash table

A simple idiom to create a hash table mapping strings to integers:

 let hash = Hashtbl.create 0;;
 List.iter (fun (key, value) -> Hashtbl.add hash key value)
   ["foo", 5; "bar", 10; "baz", 15];;

To retrieve a value:

 let bar = Hashtbl.find hash "bar";; (* bar = 10 *)

To retrieve a value, returning a default if the key is not found:

 let quux = try Hashtbl.find hash "quux" with Not_found -> some_value;;

Binary tree

A simple idiom to create a persistent binary tree mapping strings to integers:

 module String = struct
    type t = string
    let compare =
 module StringMap = Map.Make(String);;
 let map = StringMap.empty;;
 let map = List.fold_left (fun map (key, value) -> StringMap.add key value map) map
   ["foo", 5; "bar", 10; "baz", 15];;

To retrieve a value:

 let bar = StringMap.find "bar" map;; (* bar = 10 *)

To retrieve a value, returning a default if the key is not found:

 let quux = try StringMap.find "quux" map with Not_found -> some_value;;




# using => key does not need to be quoted unless it contains special chars
my %hash = (
  key1 => 'val1',
  'key-2' => 2,
  three => -238.83,
  4 => 'val3',

# using , both key and value need to be quoted if containing something non-numeric in nature
my %hash = (
  'key1', 'val1',
  'key-2', 2,
  'three', -238.83,
  4, 'val3',


print $hash{'key1'};

$hash{'key1'} = 'val1';

@hash{'key1', 'three'} = ('val1', -238.83);



my $hashref = {
  key1 => 'val1',
  'key-2' => 2,
  three => -238.83,
  4 => 'val3',


print $hash->{'key1'};

$hash->{'key1'} = 'val1';

@hash->{'key1', 'three'} = ('val1', -238.83);


 $array = array();
 $array['foo'] = 'bar';
 $array['bar'] = 'foo';
 echo($array['foo']); // bar
 echo($array['moo']); // Undefined index
 //alternative (inline) way
 $array2 = array('fruit' => 'apple',
                 'price' => 12.96,
                 'colour' => 'green');

Iterate over key/value

 foreach($array as $key => $value)
    echo "Key: $key Value: $value";


;;; Create expandable hash table of initial size 50 and with default
;;; value 0 (default value is returned when the item is absent).
vars ht = newmapping([], 50, 0, true);
;;; Set value corresponding to string 'foo'
12 -> ht('foo');
;;; print it
ht('foo') =>
;;; Set value corresponding to vector {1 2 3}
17 -> ht({1 2 3});
;;; print it
ht({1 2 3}) =>
;;; Set value corresponding to number 42 to vector {0 1}
{0 1} -> ht(42);
;;; print it
ht(42) =>

;;; Iterate over keys printing keys and values.  
    procedure (key, value);
      printf(value, '%p\t');
      printf(key, '%p\n');


Hashes are a built-in type called dictionaries (or mappings) in Python.


 hash = dict()  # 'dict' is the dictionary type.
 hash = dict(red="FF0000", green="00FF00", blue="0000FF")
 hash = { 'key1':1, 'key2':2, }
 value = hash[key]


Numerous methods exist for the mapping type


 # empty dictionary
 d = {}
 d['spam'] = 1
 d['eggs'] = 2  
 # dictionaries with two keys
 d1 = {'spam': 1, 'eggs': 2}
 d2 = dict(spam=1, eggs=2)
 # dictionaries from tuple list
 d1 = dict([('spam', 1), ('eggs', 2)])
 d2 = dict(zip(['spam', 'eggs'], [1, 2]))
 # iterating over keys
 for key in d:
   print key, d[key]
 # iterating over (key, value) pairs
 for key, value in d.iteritems():
   print key, value


Note: Python dictionary keys can be of any arbitrary "hashable" type. The following contains several distinct key value pairs:

<python> myDict = { '1': 'a string', 1: 'an integer', 1.0: 'a floating point number', (1,): 'a tuple' } </python>

(Some other languages such as awk and Perl evaluate all keys such that numerically or lexically equivalent expressions become identical entries in the hash or associative array).

User defined classes which implement the __hash__() special method can also be used as dictionary keys. It's the responsibility of the programmer to ensure the properties of the resultant hash value. The instance object's unique ID (accessible via the id() built-in function) is commonly used for this purpose.



{ 'a' 1 'b' 2 'c' 3.14 'd' 'xyz' } as a_hash
a_hash print
hash (4 items)
 a => 1
 b => 2
 c => 3.14
 d => "xyz"
a_hash 'c' get         # get key 'c'
6.28 a_hash 'c' set    # set key 'c'
a_hash.'c'             # get key 'c' shorthand
6.28 a_hash:'c'        # set key 'c' shorthand

Null is returned for unknown keys.


A hash object that returns nil for unknown keys

 hash[777]  # => nil
 hash[666]  # => 'devil'

A hash object that returns 'unknown key' for unknown keys'unknown key')
 hash[777]  # => 'unknown key'
 hash[666]  # => 'devil'

A hash object that returns "unknown key #{key}" for unknown keys{|h,k|h[k]="unknown key #{k}"}
 hash[777]  # => 'unknown key 777'
 hash[666]  # => 'devil'


 // immutable maps
 var map = Map(1 -> 2, 3 -> 4, 5 -> 6)
 map(3) // 4
 map = map + (44 -> 99) // maps are immutable, so we have to assign the result of adding elements
 map.isDefinedAt(33) // false
 map.isDefinedAt(44) // true
 // mutable maps (HashSets)
 import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
 val hash = new HashMap[int, int]
 hash(1) = 2
 hash += (1 -> 2)  // same as hash(1) = 2
 hash += (3 -> 4, 5 -> 6, 44 -> 99)
 hash(44) // 99
 hash.contains(33) // false
 hash.isDefinedAt(33) // same as contains
 hash.contains(44) // true
 // iterate over key/value
 hash.foreach {e => println("key "+e._1+" value "+e._2)} // e is a 2 element Tuple
// same with for syntax
for((k,v) <- hash) println("key " + k + " value " + v)
 // items in map where the key is greater than 3
 map.filter {k => k._1 > 3} //  Map(5 -> 6, 44 -> 99)
 // same with for syntax
 for((k, v) <- map; if k > 3) yield (k,v)


 states := Dictionary new.
 states at: 'MI' put: 'Michigan'.
 states at: 'MN' put: 'Minnesota'.


All arrays in Tcl are associative.

 # Create one element at a time:
 set hash(foo) 5
 # Create in bulk:
 array set hash {
   foo 5
   bar 10
   baz 15
 # Access one element:
 set value $hash(foo)
 # Output all values:
 foreach key [array names hash] {
   puts $hash($key)


Toka provides associative arrays via a library.

needs asarray
( create an associative array )
1024 cells is-asarray foo
( store 100 as the "first" element in the array )
100 " first" foo asarray.put
( store 200 as the "second" element in the array )
200 " second" foo asarray.put
( obtain and print the values )
" first" foo asarray.get .
" second" foo asarray.get .


A sorted key value file can be considered as an associative array

cat <<EOF > 
apple a
boy b
cat c
dog d
elephant e
put() {
   k=$1; v=$2;
   cat $map | (rm $map;cat) | sort |grep -v "$k$" | sort -m - <(echo $v $k) | uniq -n1 >$map
get() {
   cat $map | grep "$k$"

put c cow
get c