Hashtron inference

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 16:28, 25 May 2024 by Tigerofdarkness (talk | contribs) (Added Algol 68)
Hashtron inference
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Hashtron classifier inference


This task involves implementing a Hashtron classifier inference function. Hashtron classifier program can be machine learned to calculate arbitrary finite computable functions or sets (Given enough CPU time and RAM). The Hashtron classifier takes a command and a number of bits to infer, using a provided program configuration. The inference function for the test will generate a pseudo-random n-bits output. The inference function for the square root demo will generate a square root of a command in range: 0 <= command < 256.


Test demo

Given the following program configuration and input command:

Program configuration:

Input command:


Number of bits:




The inference function should process the input and generate the following 64-bit output:


Square root demo

Given the following program configuration and input command:

Program configuration:

Input command: A byte (integer) to take square root of.

Number of bits:



[[8776,79884], [12638,1259], [9953,1242], [4658,1228], [5197,1210], [12043,1201],
[6892,1183], [7096,1168], [10924,1149], [5551,1136], [5580,1123], [3735,1107],
[3652,1091], [12191,1076], [14214,1062], [13056,1045], [14816,1031], [15205,1017],
[10736,1001], [9804,989], [13081,974], [6706,960], [13698,944], [14369,928],
[16806,917], [9599,906], [9395,897], [4885,883], [10237,870], [10676,858],
[18518,845], [2619,833], [13715,822], [11065,810], [9590,799], [5747,785],
[2627,776], [8962,764], [5575,750], [3448,738], [5731,725], [9434,714],
[3163,703], [3307,690], [3248,678], [3259,667], [3425,657], [3506,648],
[3270,639], [3634,627], [3077,617], [3511,606], [27159,597], [27770,589],
[28496,580], [28481,571], [29358,562], [31027,552], [30240,543], [30643,534],
[31351,527], [31993,519], [32853,510], [33078,502], [33688,495], [29732,487],
[29898,480], [29878,474], [26046,468], [26549,461], [28792,453], [26101,446],
[32971,439], [29704,432], [23193,426], [29509,421], [27079,415], [32453,409],
[24737,404], [25725,400], [23755,395], [52538,393], [53242,386], [19609,380],
[26492,377], [24566,358], [31163,368], [57174,363], [26639,364], [31365,357],
[60918,350], [21235,338], [28072,322], [28811,314], [27571,320], [17635,309],
[51968,169], [54367,323], [60541,254], [26732,270], [52457,157], [27181,276],
[19874,227], [22797,320], [59346,271], [25496,260], [54265,231], [22281,250],
[42977,318], [26008,240], [87604,142], [94647,314], [52292,157], [20999,216],
[89253,316], [22746,29], [68338,312], [22557,317], [110904,104], [70975,285],
[51835,277], [51871,313], [132221,228], [18522,290], [68512,285], [118816,302],
[150865,268], [68871,273], [68139,290], [84984,285], [150693,266], [396047,272],
[84923,269], [215562,258], [68015,248], [247689,235], [214471,229], [264395,221],
[263287,212], [280193,201], [108065,194], [263616,187], [148609,176], [263143,173],
[378205,162], [312547,154], [50400,147], [328927,140], [279217,132], [181111,127],
[672098,118], [657196,113], [459383,111], [833281,105], [520281,102], [755397,95],
[787994,91], [492444,82], [1016592,77], [656147,71], [819893,66], [165531,61],
[886503,57], [1016551,54], [3547827,49], [14398170,43], [395900,41], [4950628,37],
[11481175,33], [100014881,30], [8955328,31], [11313984,27], [13640855,23],
[528553762,21], [63483027,17], [952477,8], [950580,4], [918378,2], [918471,1]]

The inference function should process the input and generate the square root of the input byte.


Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release 3.0.3.win32
Translation of: Go – with some changes to make defining the program more convenient for Algol 68, also includes the square root program, as in the Julia, Wren, etc.. samples

In Algol 68, the standard bit manipulation operations are not defined for integers, but for the BITS type. This sample implements operators to handle bit manipulation with integers. These operators also handle bit manipulation with negative numbers - which is not allowed in the standard Algol 68 operators (presumably to avoid getting different results depending on how negative numbers are represented - at the time Algol 68 was defined, two's complement possibly wasn't as universal as it is now).

Because Algol 68 doesn't have unsigned types, integers larger than 64 bits are required. This uses Algol 68G's LONG INT which is 128 bits in version 3 and big enough to hold 35 digits in version 2.

BEGIN # Hashtron Inference - translated from the Go sample #

    # operators, modes, etc., to allow bit manipulation on unsigned INT values #
    # as Algol 68 doesn't have unsigned integers and we need to have values    #
    # bigger than 2^63, we use LONG INT (128 bit in Algol 68G)                 #
    # adjust to suit for other implementations                                 #
    MODE HINT = LONG INT;        # needs to be big enoungh for 2^63 + 1 #
    HBIT b32  = 16rffffffff;     # 32-bit mask #
    OP   TOBITS = ( HINT a )HBIT: IF a >= 0 THEN BIN a ELSE NOT BIN ( - ( a + 1 ) ) FI;
    OP   TOBITS = ( INT  a )HBIT: TOBITS HINT( a );
    OP   TOINT  = ( HBIT a )HINT: IF 1 ELEM a THEN - ( ABS NOT a + 1 ) ELSE ABS a FI;
    PRIO ANDAB  = 1, ORAB = 1, XORAB = 1;
    OP   ANDAB  = ( REF HINT a, INT  b )REF HINT: a ANDAB HINT( b );
    OP   ANDAB  = ( REF HINT a, HBIT b )REF HINT: a := TOINT ( TOBITS a AND b );
    OP   ORAB   = ( REF HINT a, HINT b )REF HINT: a := TOINT ( TOBITS a OR  TOBITS b );
    OP   SHL    = ( HINT a, INT  b )HINT: TOINT ( TOBITS a SHL b );
    OP   SHL    = ( INT  a, INT  b )HINT: TOINT ( TOBITS HINT( a ) SHL b );
    OP   SHR    = ( HINT a, INT  b )HINT: TOINT ( TOBITS a SHR b );
    OP   OR     = ( HINT a, HINT b )HINT: TOINT ( TOBITS a OR TOBITS b );
    OP   AND    = ( HINT a, HBIT b )HINT: TOINT ( TOBITS a AND b );

    MODE PGM = STRUCT( INT low, high );
    PRIO H   = 9;
    OP   H   = ( INT a, b )PGM: ( a, b );

    PROC hash = ( HINT n, s, max )HINT:
            # Mixing stage, mix input with salt using subtraction #
            HINT m := ( n - s ) AND b32;

            # Hashing stage, use xor shift with prime coefficients #
            m XORAB ( m SHL  2 ) AND b32;
            m XORAB ( m SHL  3 ) AND b32;
            m XORAB ( m SHR  5 ) AND b32;
            m XORAB ( m SHR  7 ) AND b32;
            m XORAB ( m SHL 11 ) AND b32;
            m XORAB ( m SHL 13 ) AND b32;
            m XORAB ( m SHR 17 ) AND b32;
            m XORAB ( m SHL 19 ) AND b32;

            # Mixing stage 2, mix input with salt using addition #
            m +:= s ANDAB b32;

            # Modular stage using Lemire's fast alternative to modulo reduction #
            ( ( m * max ) SHR 32 ) AND b32
         END # hash # ;

    PROC inference = ( HINT command, INT nbits, []PGM program in )HINT:
         IF   UPB program in < LWB program in
         THEN # the program is empty # 0
            HINT out := 0;
            # Iterate over the bits #
            []PGM program = program in[ AT 0 ];
            FOR j FROM 0 TO nbits - 1 DO
                HINT input := command OR ( j SHL 16 );
                PGM  pr0   = program[ 0 ];
                HINT ss    = low OF pr0;
                HINT maxx := high OF pr0;
                input := hash( input, ss, maxx );
                FOR i FROM 1 TO UPB program DO
                    PGM  pri = program[ i ];
                    HINT s   = low OF pri, max = high OF pri;
                    maxx   -:= max;
                    input   := hash( input, s, maxx )
                input ANDAB 1;
                IF input /= 0 THEN
                    out ORAB 1 SHL j
         FI # inference # ;

    print( ( "Test Demo: ", whole( inference( 42, 64, 0H2 ), 0 ), newline ) );

    []PGM sq root
        = (     8776H79884,  12638H1259,  9953H1242,    4658H1228,    5197H1210
          ,    12043H1201,    6892H1183,  7096H1168,   10924H1149,    5551H1136
          ,     5580H1123,    3735H1107,  3652H1091,   12191H1076,   14214H1062
          ,    13056H1045,   14816H1031, 15205H1017,   10736H1001,    9804H989
          ,    13081H974,     6706H960,  13698H944,    14369H928,    16806H917
          ,     9599H906,     9395H897,   4885H883,    10237H870,    10676H858
          ,    18518H845,     2619H833,  13715H822,    11065H810,     9590H799
          ,     5747H785,     2627H776,   8962H764,     5575H750,     3448H738
          ,     5731H725,     9434H714,   3163H703,     3307H690,     3248H678
          ,     3259H667,     3425H657,   3506H648,     3270H639,     3634H627
          ,     3077H617,     3511H606,  27159H597,    27770H589,    28496H580
          ,    28481H571,    29358H562,  31027H552,    30240H543,    30643H534
          ,    31351H527,    31993H519,  32853H510,    33078H502,    33688H495
          ,    29732H487,    29898H480,  29878H474,    26046H468,    26549H461
          ,    28792H453,    26101H446,  32971H439,    29704H432,    23193H426
          ,    29509H421,    27079H415,  32453H409,    24737H404,    25725H400
          ,    23755H395,    52538H393,  53242H386,    19609H380,    26492H377
          ,    24566H358,    31163H368,  57174H363,    26639H364,    31365H357
          ,    60918H350,    21235H338,  28072H322,    28811H314,    27571H320
          ,    17635H309,    51968H169,  54367H323,    60541H254,    26732H270
          ,    52457H157,    27181H276,  19874H227,    22797H320,    59346H271
          ,    25496H260,    54265H231,  22281H250,    42977H318,    26008H240
          ,    87604H142,    94647H314,  52292H157,    20999H216,    89253H316
          ,    22746H29,     68338H312,  22557H317,   110904H104,    70975H285
          ,    51835H277,    51871H313, 132221H228,    18522H290,    68512H285
          ,   118816H302,   150865H268,  68871H273,    68139H290,    84984H285
          ,   150693H266,   396047H272,  84923H269,   215562H258,    68015H248
          ,   247689H235,   214471H229, 264395H221,   263287H212,   280193H201
          ,   108065H194,  263616H187,  148609H176,   263143H173,   378205H162
          ,   312547H154,   50400H147,  328927H140,   279217H132,   181111H127
          ,   672098H118,  657196H113,  459383H111,   833281H105,   520281H102
          ,   755397H95,   787994H91,   492444H82,   1016592H77,    656147H71
          ,   819893H66,   165531H61,   886503H57,   1016551H54,   3547827H49
          , 14398170H43,   395900H41,  4950628H37,  11481175H33, 100014881H30
          ,  8955328H31, 11313984H27, 13640855H23, 528553762H21,  63483027H17
          ,   952477H8,    950580H4,    918378H2,     918471H1
    print( ( newline, "Square root demo for commands in [0..255]:", newline ) );
    FOR i FROM 0 TO 255 DO
        print( ( whole( inference( i, 4, sq root ), -3 ) ) );
        IF ( i + 1 ) MOD 16 = 0 THEN print( ( newline ) ) FI

Test Demo: 14106184687260844995

Square root demo for commands in [0..255]:
  0  1  1  1  2  2  2  2  2  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  5  5  5  5  5  5  5
  5  5  5  5  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
  6  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7
  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8
  8  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9
  9  9  9  9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15


Function hash(n As Ulongint, s As Ulongint, max As Ulongint) As Ulongint
    Dim As Ulongint k = &hFFFFFFFF
    ' Mixing stage, mix input with salt using subtraction
    Dim As Ulongint m = (n - s) And k
    ' Hashing stage, use xor shift with prime coefficients
    m Xor= ((m Shl 2)  And k)
    m Xor= ((m Shl 3)  And k)
    m Xor= ((m Shr 5)  And k)
    m Xor= ((m Shr 7)  And k)
    m Xor= ((m Shl 11) And k)
    m Xor= ((m Shl 13) And k)
    m Xor= ((m Shr 17) And k)
    m Xor= ((m Shl 19) And k)
    ' Mixing stage 2, mix input with salt using addition
    m = (m + s) And k
    ' Modular stage using Lemire's fast alternative to modulo reduction
    Return ((m * max) Shr 32) And k
End Function

Function inference(comando As Ulongint, bits As Integer, program() As Ulong) As Ulongint
    Dim As Ulongint salida = 0
    ' Check if the program is empty
    If Ubound(program) = -1 Then Return salida
    ' Iterate over the bits
    For j As Integer = 0 To bits - 1
        Dim As Ulongint entrada = comando Or (j Shl 16)
        Dim As Ulongint ss = program(0)
        Dim As Ulongint maxx = program(1)
        entrada = hash(entrada, ss, maxx)
        For i As Integer = 1 To Ubound(program)
            Dim As Ulongint s = program(i)
            Dim As Ulongint max = program(i + 1)
            maxx -= max
            entrada = hash(entrada, s, maxx)
        Next i
        entrada And= 1
        If entrada <> 0 Then salida Or= (1 Shl j)
    Next j
    Return salida
End Function

Dim As Ulong program(1) = {0, 2}
Print "Test demo:"
Print inference(42, 64, program())



package main

func Inference(command uint32, bits byte, program [][2]uint32) (out uint64) {
	// Check if the program is empty
	if len(program) == 0 {

	// Iterate over the bits
	for j := byte(0); j < bits; j++ {
		var input = command | (uint32(j) << 16)
		var ss, maxx = program[0][0], program[0][1]
		input = Hash(input, ss, maxx)
		for i := 1; i < len(program); i++ {
			var s, max = program[i][0], program[i][1]
			maxx -= max
			input = Hash(input, s, maxx)
		input &= 1
		if input != 0 {
			out |= 1 << j

func Hash(n uint32, s uint32, max uint32) uint32 {
	// Mixing stage, mix input with salt using subtraction
	var m = n - s

	// Hashing stage, use xor shift with prime coefficients
	m ^= m << 2
	m ^= m << 3
	m ^= m >> 5
	m ^= m >> 7
	m ^= m << 11
	m ^= m << 13
	m ^= m >> 17
	m ^= m << 19

	// Mixing stage 2, mix input with salt using addition
	m += s

	// Modular stage using Lemire's fast alternative to modulo reduction
	return uint32((uint64(m) * uint64(max)) >> 32)

func main() {
	println(Inference(42, 64, [][2]uint32{{0, 2}}))



public class Main {
    public static long inference(long command, long bits, long[][] program) {
        long out = 0;

        // Check if the program is empty
        if (program.length == 0) {
            return out;

        // Iterate over the bits
        for (long j = 0; j < bits; j++) {
            long input = (command & 0xFFFFFFFF) | (((long)j & 0xFF) << (long)16);
            long ss = program[0][0];
            long maxx = program[0][1];
            input = hash(input, ss, maxx);
            for (long i = 1; i < program.length; i++) {
                long s = program[(int)i][0];
                long max = program[(int)i][1];
                maxx -= max;
                input = hash(input, s, maxx);
            input &= 1;
            if (input != 0) {
		out |= (long)1 << (long) j;
        return out;
    public static long hash(long n, long s, long max_val) {
        // Mixing stage, mix input with salt using subtraction
        long m = (n - s) & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
        // Hashing stage, use xor shift with prime coefficients
        m ^= (m << 2) & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
        m ^= (m << 3) & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
        m ^= (m >> 5) & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
        m ^= (m >> 7) & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
        m ^= (m << 11) & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
        m ^= (m << 13) & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
        m ^= (m >> 17) & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
        m ^= (m << 19) & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
        // Mixing stage 2, mix input with salt using addition
        m += s;
        m &= 0xFFFFFFFFL;
        // Modular stage using Lemire's fast alternative to modulo reduction
        return ((m * max_val) >>> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFFL;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        long command = 42;
        long[][] program = {{0,2}}; // Example program
	    long bits = 64;
        long result = inference(command, bits, program);



Translation of: Python
function hash(n, s, max_val)
    # Mixing stage, mix input with salt using subtraction
    m = (n - s) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    # Hashing stage, use xor shift with prime coefficients
    m ⊻= (m << 2) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    m ⊻= (m << 3) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    m ⊻= (m >> 5) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    m ⊻= (m >> 7) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    m ⊻= (m << 11) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    m ⊻= (m << 13) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    m ⊻= (m >> 17) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    m ⊻= (m << 19) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    # Mixing stage 2, mix input with salt using addition
    m += s
    m &= 0xFFFFFFFF
    # Modular stage using Lemire's fast alternative to modulo reduction
    return ((m * max_val) >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF

function inference(command, bits, program)
    out = UInt(0)
    # Check if the program is empty
    length(program) == 0 && return out
    # Iterate over the bits
    for j in 0:bits-1
        input_val = command | (j << 16)
        ss, maxx = program[begin]
        input_val = hash(input_val, ss, maxx)
        for i in firstindex(program)+1:lastindex(program)
            s, max_val = program[i]
            maxx -= max_val
            input_val = hash(input_val, s, maxx)
        if isodd(input_val)
            out |= 1 << j
    return out

println(inference(42, 64, [[0, 2]]))
for i in 0x0:0xff
    println(i, " ", inference(i, 4, [
        [8776, 79884], [12638, 1259], [9953, 1242], [4658, 1228], [5197, 1210], [12043, 1201],
        [6892, 1183], [7096, 1168], [10924, 1149], [5551, 1136], [5580, 1123], [3735, 1107],
        [3652, 1091], [12191, 1076], [14214, 1062], [13056, 1045], [14816, 1031], [15205, 1017],
        [10736, 1001], [9804, 989], [13081, 974], [6706, 960], [13698, 944], [14369, 928],
        [16806, 917], [9599, 906], [9395, 897], [4885, 883], [10237, 870], [10676, 858],
        [18518, 845], [2619, 833], [13715, 822], [11065, 810], [9590, 799], [5747, 785],
        [2627, 776], [8962, 764], [5575, 750], [3448, 738], [5731, 725], [9434, 714],
        [3163, 703], [3307, 690], [3248, 678], [3259, 667], [3425, 657], [3506, 648],
        [3270, 639], [3634, 627], [3077, 617], [3511, 606], [27159, 597], [27770, 589],
        [28496, 580], [28481, 571], [29358, 562], [31027, 552], [30240, 543], [30643, 534],
        [31351, 527], [31993, 519], [32853, 510], [33078, 502], [33688, 495], [29732, 487],
        [29898, 480], [29878, 474], [26046, 468], [26549, 461], [28792, 453], [26101, 446],
        [32971, 439], [29704, 432], [23193, 426], [29509, 421], [27079, 415], [32453, 409],
        [24737, 404], [25725, 400], [23755, 395], [52538, 393], [53242, 386], [19609, 380],
        [26492, 377], [24566, 358], [31163, 368], [57174, 363], [26639, 364], [31365, 357],
        [60918, 350], [21235, 338], [28072, 322], [28811, 314], [27571, 320], [17635, 309],
        [51968, 169], [54367, 323], [60541, 254], [26732, 270], [52457, 157], [27181, 276],
        [19874, 227], [22797, 320], [59346, 271], [25496, 260], [54265, 231], [22281, 250],
        [42977, 318], [26008, 240], [87604, 142], [94647, 314], [52292, 157], [20999, 216],
        [89253, 316], [22746, 29], [68338, 312], [22557, 317], [110904, 104], [70975, 285],
        [51835, 277], [51871, 313], [132221, 228], [18522, 290], [68512, 285], [118816, 302],
        [150865, 268], [68871, 273], [68139, 290], [84984, 285], [150693, 266], [396047, 272],
        [84923, 269], [215562, 258], [68015, 248], [247689, 235], [214471, 229], [264395, 221],
        [263287, 212], [280193, 201], [108065, 194], [263616, 187], [148609, 176], [263143, 173],
        [378205, 162], [312547, 154], [50400, 147], [328927, 140], [279217, 132], [181111, 127],
        [672098, 118], [657196, 113], [459383, 111], [833281, 105], [520281, 102], [755397, 95],
        [787994, 91], [492444, 82], [1016592, 77], [656147, 71], [819893, 66], [165531, 61],
        [886503, 57], [1016551, 54], [3547827, 49], [14398170, 43], [395900, 41], [4950628, 37],
        [11481175, 33], [100014881, 30], [8955328, 31], [11313984, 27], [13640855, 23],
        [528553762, 21], [63483027, 17], [952477, 8], [950580, 4], [918378, 2], [918471, 1],

Same as Go example.


Translation of: Wren

This sort of thing is generally quite painful in Phix, since it will insist on things like zero minus one being -1 rather than some huge positive number... you certainly have to take some care it always uses unsigned masking, especially since Phix doesn't really have any such thing as unsigned ints.

constant U32 = #FFFFFFFF

function hashtron(integer n, s, mx)
    // Mixing stage, mix input with salt using subtraction
    atom m = (n-s) && U32
    // Hashing stage, use xor shift with prime coefficients
    for p in {-2,-3,+5,+7,-11,-13,+17,-19} do
        m = xor_bitsu(m,shift_bits(m,p) && U32)
    end for

    // Mixing stage 2, mix input with salt using addition
    m = m+s && U32

    // Modular stage using Lemire's fast alternative to modulo reduction
    return (m * mx) >> 32
end function

function inference(integer cmd, bits, sequence program)
    atom out = 0
    if length(program) then
        for j=0 to bits-1 do
            integer {ss, maxx} = program[1],
              input = hashtron(cmd||(j<<16), ss, maxx)
            for p in program from 2 do
                maxx -= p[2]
                input = hashtron(input, p[1], maxx)
            end for
            if odd(input) then
                out = or_bitsu(out,1<<j)
            end if
        end for
    end if
    return out
end function

constant program = {
    {8776,79884}, {12638,1259}, {9953,1242}, {4658,1228}, {5197,1210}, {12043,1201},
    {6892,1183}, {7096,1168}, {10924,1149}, {5551,1136}, {5580,1123}, {3735,1107},
    {3652,1091}, {12191,1076}, {14214,1062}, {13056,1045}, {14816,1031}, {15205,1017},
    {10736,1001}, {9804,989}, {13081,974}, {6706,960}, {13698,944}, {14369,928},
    {16806,917}, {9599,906}, {9395,897}, {4885,883}, {10237,870}, {10676,858},
    {18518,845}, {2619,833}, {13715,822}, {11065,810}, {9590,799}, {5747,785},
    {2627,776}, {8962,764}, {5575,750}, {3448,738}, {5731,725}, {9434,714},
    {3163,703}, {3307,690}, {3248,678}, {3259,667}, {3425,657}, {3506,648},
    {3270,639}, {3634,627}, {3077,617}, {3511,606}, {27159,597}, {27770,589},
    {28496,580}, {28481,571}, {29358,562}, {31027,552}, {30240,543}, {30643,534},
    {31351,527}, {31993,519}, {32853,510}, {33078,502}, {33688,495}, {29732,487},
    {29898,480}, {29878,474}, {26046,468}, {26549,461}, {28792,453}, {26101,446},
    {32971,439}, {29704,432}, {23193,426}, {29509,421}, {27079,415}, {32453,409},
    {24737,404}, {25725,400}, {23755,395}, {52538,393}, {53242,386}, {19609,380},
    {26492,377}, {24566,358}, {31163,368}, {57174,363}, {26639,364}, {31365,357},
    {60918,350}, {21235,338}, {28072,322}, {28811,314}, {27571,320}, {17635,309},
    {51968,169}, {54367,323}, {60541,254}, {26732,270}, {52457,157}, {27181,276},
    {19874,227}, {22797,320}, {59346,271}, {25496,260}, {54265,231}, {22281,250},
    {42977,318}, {26008,240}, {87604,142}, {94647,314}, {52292,157}, {20999,216},
    {89253,316}, {22746,29}, {68338,312}, {22557,317}, {110904,104}, {70975,285},
    {51835,277}, {51871,313}, {132221,228}, {18522,290}, {68512,285}, {118816,302},
    {150865,268}, {68871,273}, {68139,290}, {84984,285}, {150693,266}, {396047,272},
    {84923,269}, {215562,258}, {68015,248}, {247689,235}, {214471,229}, {264395,221},
    {263287,212}, {280193,201}, {108065,194}, {263616,187}, {148609,176}, {263143,173},
    {378205,162}, {312547,154}, {50400,147}, {328927,140}, {279217,132}, {181111,127},
    {672098,118}, {657196,113}, {459383,111}, {833281,105}, {520281,102}, {755397,95},
    {787994,91}, {492444,82}, {1016592,77}, {656147,71}, {819893,66}, {165531,61},
    {886503,57}, {1016551,54}, {3547827,49}, {14398170,43}, {395900,41}, {4950628,37},
    {11481175,33}, {100014881,30}, {8955328,31}, {11313984,27}, {13640855,23},
    {528553762,21}, {63483027,17}, {952477,8}, {950580,4}, {918378,2}, {918471,1}

printf(1,"Test demo:\n")
printf(1,"%d\n\n",inference(42, 64, {{0, 2}}))

sequence res = apply(true,inference,{tagset(255,0),4,{program}})
res = join_by(res,1,16," ",fmt:="%2d")
printf(1,"Square root demo for commands in [0, 255]:\n%s",res)
Test demo:

Square root demo for commands in [0, 255]:
 0  1  1  1  2  2  2  2  2  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
 4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  5  5  5  5  5  5  5
 5  5  5  5  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
 6  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7
 8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8
 8  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9
 9  9  9  9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15


// define hashtron hash
$hash = function($n, $s, $max) {
    // Ensure the inputs are treated as unsigned 32-bit integers
    $n = $n & 0xFFFFFFFF;
    $s = $s & 0xFFFFFFFF;
    $max = $max & 0xFFFFFFFF;

    // Mixing stage, mix input with salt using subtraction
    $m = ($n - $s) & 0xFFFFFFFF;

    // Hashing stage, use xor shift with prime coefficients
    $m ^= ($m << 2) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
    $m ^= ($m << 3) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
    $m ^= ($m >> 5) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
    $m ^= ($m >> 7) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
    $m ^= ($m << 11) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
    $m ^= ($m << 13) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
    $m ^= ($m >> 17) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
    $m ^= ($m << 19) & 0xFFFFFFFF;

    // Mixing stage 2, mix input with salt using addition
    $m = ($m + $s) & 0xFFFFFFFF;

    // Modular stage using multiply-shift trick
    // Cast to 64-bit integer for multiplication
    $result = ((($m & 0xFFFFFFFF) * ($max & 0xFFFFFFFF)) >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF;

    return $result;

// define hashtron inference
$infer = function($command, $bits, $program) {
    global $hash;
    $out = 0;
    $programLength = count($program);
    if ($programLength == 0) {
        return $out;

    for ($j = 0; $j < $bits; $j++) {
        $input = ($command & 0xFFFFFFFF) | (($j & 0xFF) << 16);

        $ss = $program[0][0];
        $maxx = $program[0][1];

        $input = $hash($input, $ss, $maxx);

        for ($i = 1; $i < $programLength; $i++) {
            $s = $program[$i][0];
            $max = $program[$i][1];
            $maxx -= $max;

            $input = $hash($input, $s, $maxx);

        $input &= 1;
        if ($input != 0) {
            $out |= 1 << $j;

    return $out;


def hash(n, s, max_val):
    # Mixing stage, mix input with salt using subtraction
    m = (n - s) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    # Hashing stage, use xor shift with prime coefficients
    m ^= (m << 2) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    m ^= (m << 3) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    m ^= (m >> 5) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    m ^= (m >> 7) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    m ^= (m << 11) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    m ^= (m << 13) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    m ^= (m >> 17) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    m ^= (m << 19) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    # Mixing stage 2, mix input with salt using addition
    m += s
    m &= 0xFFFFFFFF
    # Modular stage using Lemire's fast alternative to modulo reduction
    return ((m * max_val) >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF

def inference(command, bits, program):
    out = 0
    # Check if the program is empty
    if len(program) == 0:
        return out
    # Iterate over the bits
    for j in range(bits):
        input_val = command | (j << 16)
        ss, maxx = program[0]
        input_val = hash(input_val, ss, maxx)
        for i in range(1, len(program)):
            s, max_val = program[i]
            maxx -= max_val
            input_val = hash(input_val, s, maxx)
        input_val &= 1
        if input_val != 0:
            out |= 1 << j
    return out



Translation of: Python
Library: Wren-long
Library: Wren-fmt
import "./long" for ULong
import "./fmt" for Fmt

var hash = Fn.new { |n, s, max|
    // 32 bit mask
    var k = 0xFFFFFFFF

	// Mixing stage, mix input with salt using subtraction
    var m = (n - s) & k

	// Hashing stage, use xor shift with prime coefficients
	m = m ^ ((m << 2)  & k)
	m = m ^ ((m << 3)  & k)
    m = m ^ ((m >> 5)  & k)
	m = m ^ ((m >> 7)  & k)
	m = m ^ ((m << 11) & k)
	m = m ^ ((m << 13) & k)
	m = m ^ ((m >> 17) & k)
	m = m ^ ((m << 19) & k)

    // Mixing stage 2, mix input with salt using addition
	m = (m + s) & k

	// Modular stage using Lemire's fast alternative to modulo reduction
	return ((ULong.new(m) * ULong.new(max)) >> 32).toSmall & k

var inference = Fn.new { |command, bits, program|
    var out = ULong.zero

    // Check if the program is empty
    if (program.count == 0) return out

    // Iterate over the bits
    for (j in 0...bits) {
        var input = command | (j << 16)
        var ss = program[0][0]
        var maxx = program [0][1]
        input = hash.call(input, ss, maxx)
        for (i in 1...program.count) {
            var s = program[i][0]
            var max = program[i][1]
            maxx = maxx - max
            input = hash.call(input, s, maxx)
        input = input & 1
        if (input != 0) out = out | (ULong.one << j)
    return out

System.print("Test demo:")
var program = [[0, 2]]
System.print(inference.call(42, 64, program))

program = [
    [8776,79884], [12638,1259], [9953,1242], [4658,1228], [5197,1210], [12043,1201],
    [6892,1183], [7096,1168], [10924,1149], [5551,1136], [5580,1123], [3735,1107],
    [3652,1091], [12191,1076], [14214,1062], [13056,1045], [14816,1031], [15205,1017],
    [10736,1001], [9804,989], [13081,974], [6706,960], [13698,944], [14369,928],
    [16806,917], [9599,906], [9395,897], [4885,883], [10237,870], [10676,858],
    [18518,845], [2619,833], [13715,822], [11065,810], [9590,799], [5747,785],
    [2627,776], [8962,764], [5575,750], [3448,738], [5731,725], [9434,714],
    [3163,703], [3307,690], [3248,678], [3259,667], [3425,657], [3506,648],
    [3270,639], [3634,627], [3077,617], [3511,606], [27159,597], [27770,589],
    [28496,580], [28481,571], [29358,562], [31027,552], [30240,543], [30643,534],
    [31351,527], [31993,519], [32853,510], [33078,502], [33688,495], [29732,487],
    [29898,480], [29878,474], [26046,468], [26549,461], [28792,453], [26101,446],
    [32971,439], [29704,432], [23193,426], [29509,421], [27079,415], [32453,409],
    [24737,404], [25725,400], [23755,395], [52538,393], [53242,386], [19609,380],
    [26492,377], [24566,358], [31163,368], [57174,363], [26639,364], [31365,357],
    [60918,350], [21235,338], [28072,322], [28811,314], [27571,320], [17635,309],
    [51968,169], [54367,323], [60541,254], [26732,270], [52457,157], [27181,276],
    [19874,227], [22797,320], [59346,271], [25496,260], [54265,231], [22281,250],
    [42977,318], [26008,240], [87604,142], [94647,314], [52292,157], [20999,216],
    [89253,316], [22746,29], [68338,312], [22557,317], [110904,104], [70975,285],
    [51835,277], [51871,313], [132221,228], [18522,290], [68512,285], [118816,302],
    [150865,268], [68871,273], [68139,290], [84984,285], [150693,266], [396047,272],
    [84923,269], [215562,258], [68015,248], [247689,235], [214471,229], [264395,221],
    [263287,212], [280193,201], [108065,194], [263616,187], [148609,176], [263143,173],
    [378205,162], [312547,154], [50400,147], [328927,140], [279217,132], [181111,127],
    [672098,118], [657196,113], [459383,111], [833281,105], [520281,102], [755397,95],
    [787994,91], [492444,82], [1016592,77], [656147,71], [819893,66], [165531,61],
    [886503,57], [1016551,54], [3547827,49], [14398170,43], [395900,41], [4950628,37],
    [11481175,33], [100014881,30], [8955328,31], [11313984,27], [13640855,23],
    [528553762,21], [63483027,17], [952477,8], [950580,4], [918378,2], [918471,1]
System.print("\nSquare root demo for commands in [0, 255]:")
Fmt.tprint("$2i", (0..255).map { |i| inference.call(i, 4, program) }, 16)
Test demo:

Square root demo for commands in [0, 255]:
 0  1  1  1  2  2  2  2  2  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
 4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  5  5  5  5  5  5  5
 5  5  5  5  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
 6  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7
 8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8
 8  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9
 9  9  9  9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15