Help talk:Formatting

From Rosetta Code

Display Title Bug ?

I noticed in some references:

[URL|word1 word2]

That this showed in the text as a hyperlink with word2 (word1 was missing). A space after the bar fixed it. --Dgamey 21:34, 8 April 2010 (UTC)

There is no bar. This wiki uses [URL word1 word2]. Only internal links have a bar: [[Internal link|Display title]]. This is different from some other wikis where all links have a bar. --Kernigh 21:28, 30 June 2011 (UTC)

Text Color?

The help page points to Wikipedia help pages, but things that work in Wikpedia don't work here. How can you make some text a different color? Wikipedia documents this: {{color|red| this text is red}}, but here that syntax is interpreted as a template. Background: I'd like to manually color some code for which there is no GeShi definition. 02:03, 28 January 2012 (UTC)

To follow up to my own comment, here is one way to get color: using math! . Any other ideas/clues? 02:08, 28 January 2012 (UTC)