SQL-based authentication

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Revision as of 18:36, 4 February 2007 by rosettacode>Bob9000 (created task, added Perl)
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SQL-based authentication
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

This task has three parts:

  • Connect to a MySQL database (connect_db)
  • Create user/password records in the following table (create_user)
  • Authenticate login requests against the table (authenticate_user)

This is the table definition:

create table users (
    userid int primary key auto_increment,
    username varchar(32) unique key not null,
    pass_salt tinyblob not null,  -- a string of 16 random bytes
    pass_md5 tinyblob not null
            -- binary MD5 hash of pass_salt concatenated with the password

(pass_salt and pass_md5 would be binary(16) values, but MySQL versions before 5.0.15 strip trailing spaces when selecting them.)


Interpreter: perl 5.8.8

Libraries: DBI, DBD::mysql

use DBI;

 # returns a database handle configured to throw an exception on query errors
sub connect_db {
    my ($dbname, $host, $user, $pass) = @_;
    my $db = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$dbname:$host", $user, $pass)
        or die $DBI::errstr;
    $db->{RaiseError} = 1;

 # if the user was successfully created, returns its user id.
 # if the name was already in use, returns undef.
sub create_user {
    my ($db, $user, $pass) = @_;
    my $salt = pack "C*", map {int rand 256} 1..16;
    $db->do("insert ignore into users (username, pass_salt, pass_md5)
        values (?, ?, unhex(md5(concat(pass_salt, ?))))",
        undef, $user, $salt, $pass)
      and $db->{mysql_insertid} or undef

 # if the user is authentic, returns its user id.  otherwise returns undef.
sub authenticate_user {
    my ($db, $user, $pass) = @_;
    my $userid = $db->selectrow_array("select userid from users where
        username=? and pass_md5=unhex(md5(concat(pass_salt, ?)))",
        undef, $user, $pass);