Sum of primes in odd positions is prime

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 20:45, 1 September 2021 by rosettacode>Gerard Schildberger (→‎{{header|REXX}}: added the computer programming language REXX.)
Sum of primes in odd positions is prime is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Let p(i) be a sequence of prime numbers.
Consider the p(1),p(3),p(5), ... ,p(i), for each p(i) < 1,000 and i is odd.
Let sum be the sum of these primes.
If sum is prime then print i, p(i) and sum.


Works with: Factor version 0.99 2021-06-02

<lang factor>USING: assocs assocs.extras kernel math.primes math.statistics prettyprint sequences.extras ;

1000 primes-upto <evens> dup cum-sum zip [ prime? ] filter-values .</lang>

    { 2 2 }
    { 5 7 }
    { 31 89 }
    { 103 659 }
    { 149 1181 }
    { 331 5021 }
    { 467 9923 }
    { 499 10909 }
    { 523 11941 }
    { 653 17959 }
    { 823 26879 }


Translation of: Wren
Library: Go-rcu

<lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   primes := rcu.Primes(999)
   sum := 0
   fmt.Println(" i   p[i]  Σp[i]")
   for i := 0; i < len(primes); i += 2 {
       sum += primes[i]
       if rcu.IsPrime(sum) {
           fmt.Printf("%3d  %3d  %6s\n", i+1, primes[i], rcu.Commatize(sum))


 i   p[i]  Σp[i]
  1    2       2
  3    5       7
 11   31      89
 27  103     659
 35  149   1,181
 67  331   5,021
 91  467   9,923
 95  499  10,909
 99  523  11,941
119  653  17,959
143  823  26,879


<lang Nim>import strformat

template isOdd(n: Natural): bool = (n and 1) != 0 template isEven(n: Natural): bool = (n and 1) == 0

func isPrime(n: Positive): bool =

 if n == 1: return false
 if n.isEven: return n == 2
 if n mod 3 == 0: return n == 3
 var d = 5
 while d * d <= n:
   if n mod d == 0: return false
   inc d, 2
   if n mod d == 0: return false
   inc d, 4
 result = true
  1. Compute the sums of primes at odd position.

echo " i p(i) sum" var idx = 0 var sum = 0 var p = 1 while p < 1000:

 inc p
 if p.isPrime:
   inc idx
   if idx.isOdd:
     inc sum, p
     if sum.isPrime:
       echo &"{idx:3}  {p:3}  {sum:5}"</lang>
  i  p(i)   sum
  1    2      2
  3    5      7
 11   31     89
 27  103    659
 35  149   1181
 67  331   5021
 91  467   9923
 95  499  10909
 99  523  11941
119  653  17959
143  823  26879


with javascript_semantics
sequence primes = get_primes_le(1000)
integer total = 0
printf(1,"  i    p     sum\n")
for i=1 to length(primes) by 2 do
    total += primes[i]
    if is_prime(total) then
        printf(1,"%3d  %3d  %,6d\n", {i, primes[i], total})
    end if
end for
  i    p     sum
  1    2       2
  3    5       7
 11   31      89
 27  103     659
 35  149   1,181
 67  331   5,021
 91  467   9,923
 95  499  10,909
 99  523  11,941
119  653  17,959
143  823  26,879


<lang perl6>my @odd = grep { ++$ !%% 2 }, grep &is-prime, 2 ..^ 1000; my @sums = [\+] @odd;

say .fmt('%5d') for grep { .[1].is-prime }, ( @odd Z @sums );</lang>

  2     2
  5     7
 31    89
103   659
149  1181
331  5021
467  9923
499 10909
523 11941
653 17959
823 26879


<lang REXX>/*REXX pgm shows a prime index, the prime, & sum of odd indexed primes when sum is prime*/ parse arg hi . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/ if hi== | hi=="," then hi= 1000 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ call genP /*build array of semaphores for primes.*/

                    title= 'odd indexed primes         the sum of the odd indexed primes'

say ' index │'center(title, 65) say '───────┼'center("" , 65, '─') found= 0 /*initialize # of odd indexed primes···*/ $= 0 /*sum of odd indexed primes (so far). */

    do j=1  by 2;  p= @.j;  if p>hi then leave  /*find odd indexed primes, sum = prime.*/
    $= $ + p                                    /*add this odd index prime to the sum. */
    if \!.$  then iterate                       /*This sum not prime?    Then skip it. */
    found= found + 1                            /*bump the number of solutions found.  */
    say center(j, 7)'│'     right( commas(p), 13)         right( commas($), 33)
    end   /*j*/

say '───────┴'center("" , 65, '─') say say 'Found ' commas(found) ' 'subword(title, 1, 3) exit 0 /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ commas: parse arg ?; do jc=length(?)-3 to 1 by -3; ?=insert(',', ?, jc); end; return ? /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ genP: @.1=2; @.2=3; @.3=5; @.4=7; @.5=11 /*define some low primes. */

     !.=0;  !.2=1; !.3=1; !.5=1; !.7=1;  !.11=1 /*   "     "   "    "     semaphores.  */
                          #=5;   sq.#= @.# ** 2 /*number of primes so far;     prime². */
       do j=@.#+2  by 2  to hi*33;  parse var j  -1 _  /*obtain the last decimal dig.*/
       if _==5  then iterate;       if j//3==0  then iterate;    if j//7==0  then iterate
              do k=5  while sq.k<=j             /* [↓]  divide by the known odd primes.*/
              if j // @.k == 0  then iterate j  /*Is  J ÷ X?  Then not prime.     ___  */
              end   /*k*/                       /* [↑]  only process numbers  ≤  √ J   */
       #= #+1;    @.#= j;    sq.#= j*j;  !.j= 1 /*bump # of Ps; assign next P;  P²; P# */
       end          /*j*/;               return</lang>
output   when using the default inputs:
 index │  odd indexed primes         the sum of the odd indexed primes
   1   │             2                                 2
   3   │             5                                 7
  11   │            31                                89
  27   │           103                               659
  35   │           149                             1,181
  67   │           331                             5,021
  91   │           467                             9,923
  95   │           499                            10,909
  99   │           523                            11,941
  119  │           653                            17,959
  143  │           823                            26,879

Found  11  odd indexed primes


<lang ring> load "stdlib.ring" see "working..." + nl see "i p sum" + nl

nr = 0 sum = 0 limit = 1000

for n = 2 to limit

   if isprime(n)
      if nr%2 = 1
         sum += n
         if isprime(sum)
            see "" + nr + " " + n + " " + sum + nl


see "done..." + nl </lang>

i p sum
1 2 2
3 5 7
11 31 89
27 103 659
35 149 1181
67 331 5021
91 467 9923
95 499 10909
99 523 11941
119 653 17959
143 823 26879


Library: Wren-math
Library: Wren-trait
Library: Wren-fmt

<lang ecmascript>import "/math" for Int import "/trait" for Indexed import "/fmt" for Fmt

var primes = Int.primeSieve(999) var sum = 0 System.print(" i p[i] Σp[i]") System.print("----------------") for (se in, 2)) {

   sum = sum + se.value
   if (Int.isPrime(sum)) Fmt.print("$3d  $3d  $,6d", se.index + 1, se.value, sum)


 i   p[i]  Σp[i]
  1    2       2
  3    5       7
 11   31      89
 27  103     659
 35  149   1,181
 67  331   5,021
 91  467   9,923
 95  499  10,909
 99  523  11,941
119  653  17,959
143  823  26,879


<lang XPL0>func IsPrime(N); \Return 'true' if N is a prime number int N, I; [if N <= 1 then return false; for I:= 2 to sqrt(N) do

   if rem(N/I) = 0 then return false;

return true; ];

int I, Sum, N; [Text(0, "p(n) sum^m^j"); Sum:= 0; I:= 0; for N:= 2 to 1000-1 do

   [if IsPrime(N) then
       [I:= I+1;
       if I&1 then     \odd
           [Sum:= Sum + N;
           if IsPrime(Sum) then
               [IntOut(0, N);  ChOut(0, ^      );  IntOut(0, Sum);  CrLf(0)];


p(n)    sum
2       2
5       7
31      89
103     659
149     1181
331     5021
467     9923
499     10909
523     11941
653     17959
823     26879