Zig-zag matrix

From Rosetta Code
Zig-zag matrix
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Produce a zig-zag array. A zig-zag array is a square arrangement of the first N2 integers, where the numbers increase sequentially as you zig-zag along the anti-diagonals of the array. For a graphical representation, see JPG zigzag (JPG uses such arrays to encode images).

For example, given 5, produce this array:

 0  1  5  6 14
 2  4  7 13 15
 3  8 12 16 21
 9 11 17 20 22
10 18 19 23 24


<lang ada> with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Test_Zig_Zag is

  type Matrix is array (Positive range <>, Positive range <>) of Natural;
  function Zig_Zag (Size : Positive) return Matrix is
     Data : Matrix (1..Size, 1..Size);
     I, J : Integer := 1;
     Data (1, 1) := 0;
     for Element in 1..Size**2 - 1 loop
        if (I + J) mod 2 = 0 then
           -- Even stripes
           if J < Size then
              J := J + 1;
              I := I + 2;
           end if;
           if I > 1 then
              I := I - 1;
           end if;
           -- Odd stripes
           if I < Size then
              I := I + 1;
              J := J + 2;
           end if;
           if J > 1 then
              J := J - 1;
           end if;
        end if;
        Data (I, J) := Element;
     end loop;
     return Data;
  end Zig_Zag;
  procedure Put (Data : Matrix) is
     for I in Data'Range (1) loop
        for J in Data'Range (2) loop
           Put (Integer'Image (Data (I, J)));
        end loop;
     end loop;
  end Put;


  Put (Zig_Zag (5));

end Test_Zig_Zag; </lang> The function Zig_Zag generates a square matrix filled as requested by the task.

Sample output:

 0 1 5 6 14
 2 4 7 13 15
 3 8 12 16 21
 9 11 17 20 22
 10 18 19 23 24


Translation of: D
PROC zig zag = (INT n)[,]INT: (

    PROC move = (REF INT i, j)VOID: (
        IF j < n THEN
            i := ( i <= 1 | 1 | i-1 );
            j +:= 1
            i +:= 1
    [n, n]INT a;
    INT x:=LWB a, y:=LWB a;
    FOR v FROM 0 TO n**2-1 DO
        a[y, x] := v;
        IF ODD (x + y) THEN
            move(x, y)
            move(y, x)

INT dim = 5;
FORMAT d = $z-d$;
FORMAT row = $"("n(dim-1)(f(d)",")f(d)")"$;
FORMAT block = $"("n(dim-1)(f(row)","lx)f(row)")"l$;

printf((block, zig zag(dim)))

Sample output:

((  0,  1,  5,  6, 14),
 (  2,  4,  7, 13, 15),
 (  3,  8, 12, 16, 21),
 (  9, 11, 17, 20, 22),
 ( 10, 18, 19, 23, 24))


Works with: Dyalog APL
Translation of: J
      zz   ←  {⍵⍴⎕IO-⍨⍋⊃,/{(2|⍴⍵):⌽⍵⋄⍵}¨(⊂w)/¨⍨w{↓⍵∘.=⍨∪⍵}+/[1]⍵⊤w←⎕IO-⍨⍳×/⍵}   ⍝  General zigzag (any rectangle)
      zzSq ←  {zz,⍨⍵}                                                           ⍝  Square zigzag
      zzSq 5
 0  1  5  6 14
 2  4  7 13 15
 3  8 12 16 21
 9 11 17 20 22
10 18 19 23 24

Common Lisp

Translation of: Java

(but with zero-based indexes and combining the even and odd cases)

(defun zigzag (n)
  (flet ((move (i j)
           (if (< j (1- n))
               (values (max 0 (1- i)) (1+ j))
               (values (1+ i) j))))
    (loop with a = (make-array (list n n) :element-type 'integer)
          with x = 0
          with y = 0
          for v from 0 below (* n n)
          do (setf (aref a x y) v)
             (if (evenp (+ x y))
                 (setf (values x y) (move x y))
                 (setf (values y x) (move y x)))
          finally (return a))))


Translation of: Common Lisp

<lang d> int[][] zigzag(int n) {

   void move(ref int i, ref int j) {
       if (j < (n - 1)) {
           i = (i-1) < 0 ? 0 : i-1;
       } else
   int x, y;
   auto a = new int[][](n, n);
   for (int v; v < n*n; v++) {
       a[y][x] = v;
       if ((x + y) & 1)
           move(x, y);
           move(y, x);
   return a;

} </lang>


0 value diag

: south  diag abs + cell+ ;

' cell+ value zig
' south value zag

: init ( n -- )
  1- cells negate to diag
  ['] cell+ to zig
  ['] south to zag ;

: swap-diag   zig zag to zig to zag ;

: put ( n addr -- n+1 addr )
  2dup !  swap 1+ swap ;

: turn ( addr -- addr+E/S )
  zig execute  swap-diag
  diag negate to diag ;

: zigzag ( matrix n -- )
  { n } n init
  0 swap
  n 1 ?do
    put turn
    i 0 do put diag + loop
  n 1 ?do
    put turn
    n i 1+ ?do put diag + loop
  ! ;
: .matrix ( n matrix -- )
  over 0 do
    over 0 do
      dup @ 3 .r cell+
  loop 2drop ;

: test ( n -- )  here over zigzag here .matrix ; 
5 test
  0  1  5  6 14
  2  4  7 13 15
  3  8 12 16 21
  9 11 17 20 22
 10 18 19 23 24 ok


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later

<lang fortran>PROGRAM ZIGZAG

   INTEGER, PARAMETER :: size = 5
   INTEGER :: zzarray(size,size), x(size*size), y(size*size), i, j
   ! index arrays
   x = (/ ((j, i = 1, size), j = 1, size) /)
   y = (/ ((i, i = 1, size), j = 1, size) /)
   ! Sort indices
   DO i = 2, size*size
      j = i - 1
      DO WHILE (j>=1 .AND. (x(j)+y(j)) > (x(i)+y(i)))
         j = j - 1
      END DO
      x(j+1:i) = cshift(x(j+1:i),-1)
      y(j+1:i) = cshift(y(j+1:i),-1)

   ! Create zig zag array
   DO i = 1, size*size
      IF (MOD(x(i)+y(i), 2) == 0) THEN
         zzarray(x(i),y(i)) = i - 1
         zzarray(y(i),x(i)) = i - 1
      END IF
   ! Print zig zag array
   DO j = 1, size
      DO i = 1, size
         WRITE(*, "(I5)", ADVANCE="NO") zzarray(i,j)
      END DO


Computing the array:

import Data.Array (array, bounds, range, (!))
import Data.Monoid (mappend)
import Data.List (sortBy)

compZig (x,y) (x',y') =           compare (x+y) (x'+y')
                        `mappend` if even (x+y) then compare x x'
                                                else compare y y'

zigZag upper = array b $ zip (sortBy compZig (range b))
  where b = ((0,0),upper)

compZig compares coordinates using the order of a zigzag walk: primarily, the antidiagonals; secondarily, alternating directions along them.

In zigZag, array takes the bounds and a list of indexes paired with values. We take the list of all indexes, range b, and sort it in the zigzag order, then zip that with the integers starting from 0. (This algorithm was inspired by the explanation of the J example.)

Displaying the array (not part of the task):

import Text.Printf (printf)

-- format a 2d array of integers neatly
show2d a = unlines [unwords [printf "%3d" (a ! (x,y) :: Integer) | x <- axis fst] | y <- axis snd]
  where (l, h) = bounds a
        axis f = [f l .. f h]

main = mapM_ (putStr . show2d . zigZag) [(3,3), (4,4), (10,2)]


A succinct way:

   ($ [: /:@; [: <@|.`</. i.)@,~ 5
 0  1  5  6 14
 2  4  7 13 15
 3  8 12 16 21
 9 11 17 20 22
10 18 19 23 24

This version is longer, but more "mathematical" and less "procedural":

   ($ [: /:@; [: <@(A.~_2|#)/. i.)@,~ 5
 0  1  5  6 14
 2  4  7 13 15
 3  8 12 16 21
 9 11 17 20 22
10 18 19 23 24

Leveraging a useful relationship among the indices:

   ($ ([: /:@;@(+/"1 <@|.`</. ]) (#: i.@((*/)))))@,~ 5 3
 0  1  5  6 14
 2  4  7 13 15
 3  8 12 16 21
 9 11 17 20 22
10 18 19 23 24

By the way, all the edge cases are handled transparently, without any special checks. Furthermore, by simply removing the trailing @,~ from the solutions, they automatically generalize to rectangular (non-square) matrices:

   ($ [: /:@; [: <@|.`</. i.) 5 3
0  1  5
2  4  6
3  7 11
8 10 12
9 13 14


Translation of: Ada

<lang java>public static int[][] Zig_Zag(int size){ int[][] data= new int[size][size]; int i= 1; int j= 1; for(int element= 0;element < size * size;element++){ data[i - 1][j - 1]= element; if((i + j) % 2 == 0){ // Even stripes if(j < size){ j++; }else{ i+= 2; } if(i > 1){ i--; } }else{ // Odd stripes if(i < size){ i++; }else{ j+= 2; } if(j > 1){ j--; } } } return data; }</lang>


Translation of: Common Lisp

<lang ocaml>let zigzag n =

 (* move takes references and modifies them directly *)
 let move i j =
   if !j < n - 1 then begin
     i := max 0 (!i - 1);
     incr j
   end else
     incr i
 let a = Array.make_matrix n n 0
 and x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 in
 for v = 0 to n * n - 1 do
   a.(!x).(!y) <- v;
   if (!x + !y) mod 2 = 0 then
     move x y
     move y x


Translation of: Haskell

<lang perl>sub lCombine

  1. A watered-down list comprehension: given a list of array references,
  2. returns every combination of each of their elements. For example,
  3. lCombine [0, 1], ['a', 'b', 'c']
  4. returns
  5. [0, 'a'], [0, 'b'], [0, 'c'], [1, 'a'], [1, 'b'], [1, 'c']
{@_ or return [];
 my $l = shift;
 my @rest = lCombine(@_);
     {my $e = $_;
          {[$e, @$_]}

sub compZig

{my ($x1, $y1) = @$a;
 my ($x2, $y2) = @$b;
 $x1 + $y1 <=> $x2 + $y2
   or ($x1 + $y1) % 2
      ? $y1 <=> $y2
      : $x1 <=> $x2;}

sub zigZag

  1. Creates a zig-zag array with the given width and height.
{my ($w, $h) = @_;
 my $n = 0;
 my @a;
 $a[ $_->[1] ][ $_->[0] ] = $n++
     foreach sort compZig lCombine [0 .. $h - 1], [0 .. $w - 1];
 return @a;}</lang>


This implementation is far from being elegant or smart, but it builds the zigzag how a human being could do, and also draws lines to show the path.

%%BoundingBox: 0 0 300 200
/size 9 def % defines row * column (9*9 -> 81 numbers,
            % from 0 to 80)
/itoa { 2 string cvs } bind def
% visual bounding box...
% 0 0 moveto 300 0 lineto 300 200 lineto 0 200 lineto
% closepath stroke
20 150 translate
% it can be easily enhanced to support more columns and
% rows. This limit is put here just to avoid more than 2
% digits, mainly because of formatting
size size mul 99 le {
   /Helvetica findfont 14 scalefont setfont
   /ulimit size size mul def
   /sizem1 size 1 sub def
   % prepare the number list
   0 ulimit 1 sub { dup 1 add } repeat
   ulimit array astore
   /di -1 def /dj 1 def
   /ri 1 def /rj 0 def /pus true def
   0 0 moveto
   /i 0 def /j 0 def
   {  % can be rewritten a lot better :)
      0.8 setgray i 30 mul j 15 mul neg lineto stroke
      0 setgray i 30 mul j 15 mul neg moveto itoa show
      i 30 mul j 15 mul neg moveto
      pus {
         i ri add size ge {
             /ri 0 def /rj 1 def
         } if
         j rj add size ge {
             /ri 1 def /rj 0 def
         } if
         /pus false def
         /i i ri add def
         /j j rj add def
         /ri rj /rj ri def def
      } {
          i di add dup    0 le
                  exch sizem1 ge or
          j dj add dup    0 le
                  exch sizem1 ge or
             or {
                /pus true def
                /i i di add def /j j dj add def
                /di di neg def /dj dj neg def
          } {
                /i i di add def /j j dj add def
          } ifelse
      } ifelse
   } forall
   stroke showpage
} if


There is a full explanation of the algorithm used here. <lang python>import math def zigzag(n):

   indexorder = sorted(((x,y) for x in range(n) for y in range(n)),
                   key = lambda (x,y): (x+y, -y if (x+y) % 2 else y) )
   return dict((index,n) for n,index in enumerate(indexorder))
   # or, in Python 3: return {index: n for n,index in enumerate(indexorder)}

def printzz(myarray):

   n = math.round(math.sqrt(len(myarray)))
   for x in range(n):
       for y in range(n):
               print "%2i" % myarray[(x,y)],

printzz(zigzag(6))</lang> Program output:

     0  1  5  6 14 15
     2  4  7 13 16 25
     3  8 12 17 24 26
     9 11 18 23 27 32
    10 19 22 28 31 33
    20 21 29 30 34 35

Alternative version,

Translation of: Common Lisp


<lang python>def zigzag(n):

   def move(i, j):
       if j < (n - 1):
           return max(0, i-1), j+1
           return i+1, j
   a = [[0] * n for _ in xrange(n)]
   x, y = 0, 0
   for v in xrange(n * n):
       a[y][x] = v
       if (x + y) & 1:
           x, y = move(x, y)
           y, x = move(y, x)
   return a

from pprint import pprint pprint(zigzag(5))</lang> Output: <lang python>[[0, 1, 5, 6, 14],

[2, 4, 7, 13, 15],
[3, 8, 12, 16, 21],
[9, 11, 17, 20, 22],
[10, 18, 19, 23, 24]]</lang>